Anyone using radions


New member
I was wondering if anyone here is using radion xr30w non pros gen 3 in a 24" deep tank I have had them up for a 2 months now and not have much success had a bunch of corals bleaching and have turned them down to 65% was at 75% I am using FAOIS program but I believe that is for a gen 2 and I have gen 3s I did start at 35% and ramped up to 75%over a month I have searched the "show your radion" threads and can't really find anything any help would be appreciated I have a standard 90 gal using 2 of the radions
I run 3 radions over a dsa 155, they put out alot more intense light than you would think, i have mine running radiant mode at 40%, so i would cut your intensity quite a bit.
I was wondering if anyone here is using radion xr30w non pros gen 3 in a 24" deep tank I have had them up for a 2 months now and not have much success had a bunch of corals bleaching and have turned them down to 65% was at 75% I am using FAOIS program but I believe that is for a gen 2 and I have gen 3s I did start at 35% and ramped up to 75%over a month I have searched the "show your radion" threads and can't really find anything any help would be appreciated I have a standard 90 gal using 2 of the radions

This is going to sound odd, but turn those babies down to the 35% range. I run Kessils, it took me way too long to figure these things out. Turn em way down, there is enough light for all, then after things settle in, you can experiment with slowwwwwwwwwly bringing up the intensity.
At one of the club meetings I was speaking with Emmitt and he mentioned he was playing around with some led's and his opinion was they were way more powerful than people were giving them credit for. He mentioned the 30% mark. At the time I was still struggling with my lights so I figured what the hell, lets try that. Since then things have been stable and growing, I'm still only at 40% 8 months later.
If you can get everything to settle in, then you can make small adjustments and everything should adapt fine.
Thanks for the replies all I will turn them down to 40% and see how it goes I am really hoping to get these dialed in
Yes you have them turned up too high. I would suggest finding a store or local club that you can have come with a Par meter to help you set up the light. I had to use a Par meter to get mine dialed in running at 35% right now.
if anyone has a par meter I can borrow or rent let me know i would be curious to know what the exact #s are


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That is pretty informative guide, i like it. It seems to me the lighting manufacturers are completely failing in not providing a starting point for new customers. The markup on these things warrants some sort of guidance to a new customer. They know what will work and what wont, it really wouldn't be hard for them to build a simple matix that incorporates distance of light to water, depth of tank, general species of coral. And then say "start here" to me its almost criminal that they don't. I wrote Kessil a very "spirited" email expressing my feelings on there complete absence of responsibility on this subject. No surprise they didn't respond. Almost every single person who tries leds burns up some corals getting going, its honestly not necessary and imo very negligent of the entire aquarium lighting industry.
Sorry this hit a nerve. nice guide!
That is pretty informative guide, i like it. It seems to me the lighting manufacturers are completely failing in not providing a starting point for new customers. The markup on these things warrants some sort of guidance to a new customer. They know what will work and what wont, it really wouldn't be hard for them to build a simple matix that incorporates distance of light to water, depth of tank, general species of coral. And then say "start here" to me its almost criminal that they don't. I wrote Kessil a very "spirited" email expressing my feelings on there complete absence of responsibility on this subject. No surprise they didn't respond. Almost every single person who tries leds burns up some corals getting going, its honestly not necessary and imo very negligent of the entire aquarium lighting industry.
Sorry this hit a nerve. nice guide!
1000% agree!