Anyone want to place bets on how long this fish is on DD?

You'd be surprised at the collectors of morphs / rare / or blemished fish there are out there. There are people in this hobby with endless pockets. Where $1300 may seem like a lot to both of us it might not to that guy making $1300/hr . lol.

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You’d be surprised at the collectors of morphs / rare / or blemished fish there are out there. There are people in this hobby with endless pockets. Where $1300 may seem like a lot to both of us it might not to that guy making $1300/hr . lol.

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Definitely, no doubt about it, but I don't think this one will sell at that price.

I don't know. The fish look sick if you ask me
For people who have to toooooooo much money....
Ugly, sorry, not even for $12.99