You have 2 issues that I see most likely related.
1) Can't connect to the local Apex webserver
2) The Apex is disconnected from Fusion
Problem 1
On your laptop attached to the same network as the Apex navigate to
Do you get the Apex login?
Do you get the same error in your browser again?
If you get into the classic interface then great problem 1 solved
If you fail to get an Apex password prompt then try rebooting the Apex. Then recheck the IP it received from DNS on the head units network menu and go to that IP in your browser again for example.
Do you get the password prompt now? If yes yay problem 1 solved.
Do you still fail to get a password prompt? Ok perhaps the WWW portion of the firmware update failed to take hold. The updater can sometimes fail and its not clear. Try reinstalling that update using the firmware update procedure and application again paying special attention to the second portion for WWW. Insure it reports it has completed successfully.
Reboot Apex and try the above again. Still failing? Call Apex and walk through it with them on the phone.
Problem 2
One of a few things is happening here.
1) The Apex can't connect to the internet / your home network
This is kinda supported because you can't locally connect to the Apex
2) The Fusion connect and control options are shut off on the Apex
Check this out on the Apex head unit. Follow
this link
3) Your router is blocking Fusion communications
This is almost certainly NOT the case if you haven't switched ISPs and haven't gotten a new router and you could connect to fusion a week ago.