Aquarium Fishes of Hawaii Petition


New member
Even though a large portion of Hawaii is protected area, protected from Sports Fishing, Ornamental Fish Collection and Tourism activities that have a potential to damage the reef systems, there's attempts to close ALL of Hawaii, to Ornamental Fish Collection. As most of us are aware, Snorkel Bob is among the lobbyists, trying to push this through.

This was brought to my attention from a well respected Fish Collector, Les of Wet Pets Hawaii.

Please take a few seconds to sign the Aquarium Fishes of Hawaii Petition.
Snorkel bob is quite the fibber of facts, Don't let his personal gain game the system like so many do these days.
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I should add, the petition, above, is NOT to support Snorkel Bob and his fellow activists and lobbyists. The petition is to support the effort to STOP them from pushing through their baseless agenda.
No instead we should march over there, with our nets, and harvest whatever we want for our living room. Cause if it's pretty, I want it mounted on my wall.
No instead we should march over there, with our nets, and harvest whatever we want for our living room. Cause if it's pretty, I want it mounted on my wall.

I sincerely hope that is sarcasm. Otherwise, that's the exact attitude that builds support for legislation that hurts our hobby!
I posted in my local forum and already signed the petition on another forum. I am not oppossed to regulation but Snorkel Bob is a liar and doing this only for his own personal gain and attention.

I would be willing to wager that more damage has been done to the reefs by the thousands of ill informed toursits who have rented snorkel gear from Snorkel Bob to explore the coral reefs in Hawaii.

Putting a little note on a map to say don't snorkel here does not cut it Snorkel Bob!
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Done! Happy to help. It's truly special to come home to a slice of the ocean every day, I don't want restrictions to take this away from me.
Personally, if you want to protect Hawaii reefs, I think you need to limit the number of clueless tourist snorkelers out there. If I had a dollar for every time I've seen a tourist standing on a bed of pristine coral heads, I'd be a bazillionaire.

Perhaps if Snorkel Bob were to limit his snorkeling operations he'd have a little more credibility. He's probably being so outspoken about reef conservation in order to redirect some of the ire focused on his operations.

"No... it's not ME you need to worry about... it's those fish collectors!"
Snorkel Bob's business practices have probably done more damage to the reefs than all of the aquarium collectors combined.
Some sarcasm, yeah, but I have been surprised by some of the people who are anti-conservation. I would just assume that anyone working with animals would be passionate about conservation of wildlife and natural ecosystems.

And Sea-Sheperd is founded by the cofounder of Greenpeace! And they do many good things. As does Greenpeace.

I was just working from the assumption that people who love animals also love conservation and maintaining natural ecosystems. I was unpleasantly surprised to find out that some people who love animals do actually veto conservation efforts.
Some sarcasm, yeah, but I have been surprised by some of the people who are anti-conservation. I would just assume that anyone working with animals would be passionate about conservation of wildlife and natural ecosystems.

And Sea-Sheperd is founded by the cofounder of Greenpeace! And they do many good things. As does Greenpeace.

I was just working from the assumption that people who love animals also love conservation and maintaining natural ecosystems. I was unpleasantly surprised to find out that some people who love animals do actually veto conservation efforts.

Completely banning aquarium collections in Hawaii is not a conservation effort, it is a political move. While I do agree that Sea-Shepherd and Greenpeace have done great things for conservation, bringing aggressive tactics used to preserve animals like Panda Bears and Bengal Tigers, to coral reef fishes, is not the answer.

As mentioned before in other threads here in Reef Central (and in many other aquarium forums), the aquarium trade in Hawaii is one of the best (if not THE BEST) regulated in the world. All fish that are captured are counted and their destinations recorded. There are many marine reserves at the Big Island (main aquarium collecting site in Hawaii) and other islands. On top of this, high volume collection is more or less limited to the Big Island, which represents less than 10% of the geographic range of most Hawaiian fishes. So, in summary you have:

1) A well regulated industry, where everything is accounted for;

2) Species that are protected in more than 80% of their ranges;

3) Educated aquarium collectors that know that if they drive species to extinction, their livelihood will go extinct too; and,

4) The most selective fish collecting technique known to man (hand and barrier nets).

Taking into account all 4 observations above, there is absolutely no need to further protect Hawaiian fishes.

Now, if you think NOTHING should be extracted from nature you should start rethinking your life style. The mere fact of having a computer connected to the internet contradicts that, so you shouldn't be reading this to begin with :lol2: .
I was just working from the assumption that people who love animals also love conservation and maintaining natural ecosystems. I was unpleasantly surprised to find out that some people who love animals do actually veto conservation efforts.

It is people like you who blindly follow the mandates of political organizations and/or even private business owners rather than understanding the situation yourself, that will end up getting this bill passed. As many have pointed out Snorkel Bob is clearly motivated by political and financial factors.

Every person on this site cares about animals or they wouldn't be here. Most of us also care deeply about conservation. PROPER regulation (of which there is currently plenty in Hawaii), captive-breeding, and education are some much better ways than destroying a vital link between the general masses and Hawaii's marine life.


Hope if this does get through somehow that they also stop snorkeling and diving if they are so serious about saving the reef. But rather doubt Bob would think that was a good idea.