Are these Nudis?


New member
I have a zoo colony I really love that has red and yellow zoos on it. Recently I noticed it was receding. Then one day they stopped opening altogether; upon further inspection I determined I had nudibranchs that were eating my lovely zoos! I promptly prepared a batch of iodine FW dip as described by "MUCHO REEF". I used the recommended dipping time of 5 min and 1 min rinse, three days later more polyps are opening up but I still have what I think are nudibranchs.

So first, can i ask you all to help confirm that these are nudibranchs and if they are how would you recommend I go about removing them? Dip for 20 min next time? Dip every week, or is that too often and too stressful for the zoos?


Yup, you will want to pull those out and dip them A.S.A.P.....Like right now before it gets to late....That top circle looks like a zoanthids sea spider....Looks like you got a colony hit with the double whammy. I would dip them a little longer I dip mine for about 10 min. I would redip them at least once a week till they disappear.
Man you are going to have a battle on your hands. Sorry i was there 2 yrs ago.
Fw dip them asap. keep dipping them 2 times a week, Make sure the zoa's are ok before redipping.
Just as I suspected... I guess it's time to buy a RO/Di unit since it looks like I'll be going through allot of water :rolleyes:
You can speed it along while you dip them take off all nudis you can see with a magnifying glass and tweezers and the ones you cant see will fall off because of the dip. Good luck m8....
thanks for the tip, I've been using a large eye dropper to suck them off and spit them out but a magnifying glass would help, hadn't thought about that!
If you can't dip your plagued zoanthids becuase they're epoxied down to the rockwork, use a turkey baster to suck the nudibranchs off you zoanthids and discard them. Make sure you also dislodge the nudibranch's eggs that you'll see, usually on the necks of the polyps. It takes a good deal of attention, and you should do this a couple of times a day, but eventually you'll get them all and be victorious.