Are your milli frags slow growers?


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I've got 3 different types of millis, Green, Red (might be a prostrata) and a Blue Milli.

The Green one is more of a small colony and grows pretty well actually.

The Red one is a damn slow grower and not really encrusting much either. Ive had it for a few months now atleast and maybe grown about 1/4" I'd say.

The Blue frag is growing the slowest I think. Its been encrusting pretty well I think but bearly noticeable growth in branches.

I've got 250W 14K Pheonix bulbs and 0 nitrates, 0 phosphates, Ca 430, alk 3.5 meq/l and GOBS of flow with 2 Tunze's in a 90 on a controller. All milli's are about midway in the tank.

How are your milli's doing? Is my experience consistant with yours?

I have a green ive had for a year... ... grows like a weed. i mean really fast. now I just got a blue and red so we need to wait and see how they do
Aquacultured or not?
I have a pink and a green both aquacultured. My pink seems to be growing faster branch-wise, my green went encrusting no branches. lol
I think all my milles are the fastest growers in my tank...

They do respond well to feeding...Are you feeding something like cyclopeez?
Agree with Frankysreef. My blue mille is the fastest grower in my tank. Started from a 1" frag about 6 months ago, now about 4" tall, encrusted a good 4" diameter rock, and has about 6 starter branches now.
I hope my blue and red milli snaps out of it soon. I really like the looks of some i've seen around here. Makes me jelous. ;)
My millies seem to take a long time to grow as well, dont know why, but they are the slowestgrowing corals in my tank. But frags of the corals that are placed in other's peoples tanks are much faster growing.
That's strange. I'm exactly opposite of CWEG.
Green millie never grows, and the Blue millie has grown to be a full colony. One thing different about the two.
I mounted the Blue Millie and never moved it over the past year. The green one moves around all the time. Could be something.
My pink milli took FOREVER to take off... I've had it about 4 months and did not notice any growth the first 3, except the tiny base it laid down... the last month its taken off though. I've herd fresh cuts take a while to settle but once they do they grow pretty fast.
I still don't know the difference between a Millie and a Prostrata, anyway I have about five different colonies, a pink, a red, a blue, a green and a hot pink/purple all with blue or yellow tips and the table forming ones seem to grow the fastest. I don't think the color matters, but the growth form......if it is color than my hairy green is by far the fastest.
I read somewhere that the difference between a prostrata and a milli is a milli has way more branches and shorter ones than a prostrata. The red one I have has really long branches.

I could be wrong of course!!! :)
Prostratas IME branch out differently. Also the branches seem to be longer.

My pink mille took about a month to lay down the base. Another month to start 2 nubs. In the last 2 weeks, I've seen 2 more branches pop out about .5" and the other branches have blown out an inch. Not sure why but it's really blowing out hardcore. My other mille's seem to be doing well.

I have a peach mille from RM that was a freebie and I'm not really liking. I've had it now for about 4 or 5 months and it is the only coral in the tank that hasn't grown one bit. I'm probably just gonna sell it cheap or give it away locally.
I think the prostratas also have smaller polyps. Milles are more shaggy looking.

Blue mille in front, blue prostrata behind it. It seems that the branching is almost identical

thanks for the info..then I have a few of each..:).......this thread needs a growth sequence.....most of mine have grown about the same in this time frame, except my green which is even a faster gower
May 2005

Sept 2005

Feb 2006
here's my green ..I don't have a pic when it was a frag, but I got only a few months before the one above
Here's my Blue Millie when I first got it. October 04
Yea it shows green at the base, but it's listed as Blue. It is blue on most of it.


October10 2005

I've got more photos of this guy, but cant get them together right now.
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My millies all grow fast--seems like they get to a "critical mass" then really take off. They table when exposed to high flow.

This is a 5 year old "frag"


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