ASM Skimmer Club!

Cleaning my skimmer the impeller came up with a broken shaft and one of the needles broke off. Got a replacement shaft but will one broken needle still allow the pump to work properly or do I need to break one off on the other side to balance out?
Sicce pump on a asm g2 anyone.?

Sicce pump on a asm g2 anyone.?

has anyone put a sicce pump on a asm g2 skimmer.?
if so is there any mods I have to do. any help I would be grateful
The only mods I could imagine would be adapting the pump to the skimmer. Output height, size etc. So long as you can connect the pump to the skimmer, skimate away :)
Sedra Pump help. So, I took my ASM skimmer apart and cleaned it, reinstalled it and the pump didn't start. Took the pump out and put it in a bucket and started right up. Put it back in the sump and nothing. Repeated and same thing, works in bucket, not in sump. Thoughts????
Karm, I may not be of exact help here as I haven't used an asm/sedra in some years now. When you put the cover back onto the pump and the impeller isn't spinning, something is misaligned, which in this case can be interpreted as an uneven pressure. When the pump is assembled with power going to it, try blowing into the flexible venturi line. If it doesn't start that way, loosen the face plate screws ever so slightly and you should be able to get it to spin properly. I hope this helps you!
OK, got it running, I had to turn the impeller slightly to get it to start and had to do it multiple times in order to get it going. Huge pain, but, it's running now!
I picked up a used asm g2 with the Sedra 3500 pump yesterday from another member here yesterday. I figured being used break in would be quick. Well I played with it every few hours trying to get it adjusted but couldn’t get a decent foam going and it’s my 3rd skimmer so I pretty much know what to do. The stand pipe was really an inch above the bottom of the collection cup and still not working properly. This evening I got aggressive with it and just raised the stand pipe till it gushed and filled the cup. Then lowered it to produce a wet foam. Now the stand pipe is about 1 1/2 or 2 inches lower than before and making a nice head of foam. I’m just trying to piece together what I’ve learned here. Any asm fans with similar experiences?
It's been cleaned so I would give it a little more time. How deep is the water it sits in? You can also check to see if the venturi is clear.
Getting back into the hobby... I have an old ASM G1 (not G1-X) Skimmer that I'm looking to serve as a backup skimmer. I'm having lots of problems with the G500 pump (rated around 250gph) lately. I think I might be missing a washer on the impeller shaft - probably cleaned it years ago and lost it - but I can't find documentation about the G500 pump, so I'm assuming it's a lost cause.

I *do* have an old, reliable Danner Mag 2 (rated ~250 GPH). Are there any considerations that I need to think about before I slap a fractionating impeller and venturi onto this Mag 2 and try to get this old G1 to be viable again?
Search back earlier in the thread. There are tons of posts 8n the mesh and recirc mods. Imo the recirc mod is the best way to go. You will need 2 uniseals a feed pump rated about the same as the pump on the skimmer some tubing and I think some pvc fitting but not sure on that, its been many years since I have seen mods on the ASM skimmers. ASM skimmers are basically long forgotten these days since you can get a much better skimmer for about the same price or cheaper, not sure if they are even stiol being made. The gate valve mod is a must as well.
Here found this
I picked up a used asm g2 with the Sedra 3500 pump yesterday from another member here yesterday. I figured being used break in would be quick. Well I played with it every few hours trying to get it adjusted but couldn't get a decent foam going and it's my 3rd skimmer so I pretty much know what to do. The stand pipe was really an inch above the bottom of the collection cup and still not working properly. This evening I got aggressive with it and just raised the stand pipe till it gushed and filled the cup. Then lowered it to produce a wet foam. Now the stand pipe is about 1 1/2 or 2 inches lower than before and making a nice head of foam. I'm just trying to piece together what I've learned here. Any asm fans with similar experiences?
Hard starting like that usually means it is time to replace the impeller. With age the magnets on the impeller swell and will start to rub the pump body. Pull the impeller and look for sogns of the magnet swelling, being tapered, out of round or rubbing. Better to replace it now then wait till it possibly destroys the motor. I found that the impellers need to be replaced every few years. Impellers are cheap compared to a complete pump.
I ran an ASM G2 for years and mow have a modified ASM G4. They are great workhorse skimmers. I get a thick 1/4" past in the skimmer neck and about 3" of dark skimate every week.
ASM Skimmer Club!


Added a red devil skimmer pump from eBay to my asm G2 (I think). This is my backup skimmer for my octopus which is being vinegar dipped after two years of service.

I had to file down the pvc to go into the uniseal and pump. Works great and I see a huge improvement. I'm also going to construct a bubble plate. An ebay seller is selling those toy model acrylic tubes and there's a perfect size for this skimmer. Gonna give it a shot. I am also going to do the gate valve mod.

Edit: this is 3 days of skimming

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