Asmo's 120 Gallon Build

Very nice! Can't wait to see your posts when it gets up and running. Got to luv a new tank for sure! ...... boys and their toys :)!
New tank is up and running ( I just need to catch it before it gets away) :)


That thing is wicked, but does it pull air from the skimmer cup?

No it look like it but the yellow hose coming out of the skimmer ends in a cap not sure what it does. But yeah from the picture it does but pulls air from the little tiny cup next to it on the left.
Oh here it is after a couple of hours.

I forgot to soak it I was so excited I just put it together in stuck straight in the sump.
OK it makes sense that should go to another container but it seems really short. Mine is about 24" and runs over the sump to a gallon jug.
looks great! if you want an idea to hide those wires let me know, i forgot to show you when you were here.
looks great! if you want an idea to hide those wires let me know, i forgot to show you when you were here.

Actually I have not had the time to put up my background up yet. I totally forgot to do it when I had the tank down so now I need to figure out what background to use with only 4 inch of room lol.