ATO problem


In Memoriam
So I setup my ATO last night and this morning I am awaken by an alarm. Well the alarm turned out to be the ATO because it drained my container into my sump. The eye was under water but the pump was still on... What gives?
Since this is new and the alarm went off sounds like the water level passed the eye and then was shut off by the white float. If the alarm was going off and water still passed over the white float it sounds like a siphon.

When new the eye attracts bubbles due to the new plastic. Take the eye and give it a soak in a a viniger/water mix or wash it under warm soapy water. This gets some of the oils and such off from production letting it not attract the bubbles as easily. Once "broken in" problem should be solved.

If it is a siphon you need to raise the output of the hose higher than the resivoir you are pumping from. Otherwise a siphon can start when the pump starts and no backup will stop it. for this reason the manual recommends pumping to the main tank in most cases