Atomic081's 225 Gallon Reef w/ Basement Fish Room

Its been WAY to long since i have updated this. Over the past 6 months life has gotten in the way of the tank.

We finished the Remodeling of the house and moved in in July.

In october I got married and spent the whole month Diving in Bali!!!!

Now that im back im going to spend all weekend getting the tank back up to par.

Ive really been having problems keeping my Parameters in check.

Calc 550
Mag 1650
Alk 3.7 meg

Everything is REALLY high and im having trouble getting them back down. Im gonna do 3 50 gal water changes this weekend. hope that helps

Im also getting rid of the UV sterilizer and installing a Algae Turf Scrubber.

I got a few new fish in the past few months also.

Stock list:
3 Yellow Tangs
1 Purple Tang
1 Sailfin Tang
1 Hippo Tang
1 Emperor Angel
1 Flame Angel
2 Snowflake Clowns
1 Anthias
1 Watchman Goby

a few pics of the fish

FTS coming tomorrow after i clean everything!!!!
That's far too many water changes in such a short time. I'm concerned you will shock the inhabitants too much. I would suggest the 50 gal water changes be no closer than four days apart.

I did 2 50 gal water changes today. 12 hours apart. So a 20% water change. I might do another 50 gallons on Wednesday and another 50 gallons on Friday.

Test came out like this:

Calcium: 550 ppm
Magnesium: 1740 ppm
Alk: 3.8 meq/L, 10.6 dKH
PH: 8.1
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0
Salinity: 1.024
I dont have a phosphate test. ill order one tonight.

Im still having troubles keeping coral. somehow i gotta get the Calcium and Magnesium down.
Wow! What a great vid! That's better than some documentary films I've seen. The colours were excellent. Was it all natural light or were you using a lighting rig?

Wow! What a great vid! That's better than some documentary films I've seen. The colours were excellent. Was it all natural light or were you using a lighting rig?


I used a GoPro with a Red lens, no lights!! It does really good at depths past 30 ft, and i take it off if im shallower than 20ft. its kinda red and yellow between the 20 to 30 ft.
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Big news!!!!

I found out why im having so many problems with keeping coral!!!!

I was sold a Beer Refractometer in the Saltwater Refractometer box. There are about 10 complaints of this on amazon. The box is correct, but the Refractometer is wrong from the company.

My SG was a 1.035. I did a small water change last night and another one tonight. Im down to 1.031....
What a ripoff! Best to buy aquarium equipment from aquarium stores. Have you looked at the Red Sea refractometers?

What a ripoff! Best to buy aquarium equipment from aquarium stores. Have you looked at the Red Sea refractometers?


It wasnt amazons fault. Its the same Company that premium aquatics and alot of other Saltwater stores use for Refractometers (ATC). Most Saltwater stores just slap there sticker on the grey box. The sticker was even correct on the grey box, but someone put the wrong refractometer in the wrong grey box. They look EXACTLY the same on the outside, and the average person wouldnt know the difference.

ohh well, im actually glad i found out before i did another few hundred gallons of water changes. I get to spend that money on coral now!!!!

I actually bought another one from amazon. Im a good hour away from any Fish store and i next day shipped it to me. Im slowly working my way down to 1.026!!
Big news!!!!

I found out why im having so many problems with keeping coral!!!!

I was sold a Beer Refractometer in the Saltwater Refractometer box. There are about 10 complaints of this on amazon. The box is correct, but the Refractometer is wrong from the company.

My SG was a 1.035. I did a small water change last night and another one tonight. Im down to 1.031....

How were you able to tell it was wrong? I bought mine from Premiums. Want to make sure I have the correct one.
I was just going to suggest that your salinity was probably high with those numbers after a water change. You should order some calibration solution to keep your refractometer calibrated.
How were you able to tell it was wrong? I bought mine from Premiums. Want to make sure I have the correct one.

Instead of PPT and Salinity readings, it said Brix% and SG

I was just going to suggest that your salinity was probably high with those numbers after a water change. You should order some calibration solution to keep your refractometer calibrated.

I already got some Solution for my new Refractometer, Thanks!!!
I finally have some corals in the tank and everything is looking great after 5 days. Ill post pictures of the corals later

A few pictures i submitted to my Clubs Calender contest

Great looking build. At this rate, you are going to want to stay at that house!


Thanks Biecacka!!!
The plan is to live in this house for alteast 4 or 5 years, but during the last year ill be building a new custom home with a custom fish tank.......