Atomic081's 225 Gallon Reef w/ Basement Fish Room

I didn't do mine in the beginning, I just kept wasting glue rearranging corals so figured I would leave them mounted to plugs and pop them in and out of rocks until I found a spot they and myself liked. Problem was snails would knock them over or the power heads so I needed a deeper hole that would fit the plug stem, this way they couldn't get knocked over, so I pulled as many rocks as I could to the surface of the water and drilled 2 or 3 holes in random spots, I did mine right in the water and only the masonry drill bit was in the water. It got cloudy but cleared up in about an hour. Here is a one I just relocated this morning.

So this weekend is my local Clubs Frag swap. I have been trying my best to have the tank up and running so i can atleast stock my frag tank and place the corals later.

  1. Im stilll going to drain the tank on Wednesday night
  2. Use the Aquastik puddy to cover the PVC
  3. then drill some holes for frag plugs.
  4. I also get all my CUC from Reefcleaners that day!!
  5. Ill do a 50 gal water change later that night
  6. another 50 gal change on Friday morning.
  7. Im then going to transfer over my Purple Tang, 2 clowns, my Watchman goby and my Manderine Goby
  8. Saturday Night Ill Dip all the corals and add them to my frag system.

I hope its not too early, but the rock and sand has been cycling in the sump for over 2 months and in the tank for 3 weeks.
My CUC came in today!!

1 Quick Crew w/Hermits (90 Gallon)
1 Brittle Star*
1 Florida Fighting Conch*
10 Nassarius Vibex
2 Reef Pods
5 Thin Striped Hermit*
2 Chaeto
1 1 Penny Macro Algae
1 Ulva (Small)
1 Red Gracilaria

I also got bored and installed the UV sterilizer

i used the Aquastik today to try and hide the PVC frame. I was not able to drill the rock cause it was too hard for the bit. 50 gal water change tomorrow.

Ive also arranged for a fellow Reefer to house all my frags from the swap this weekend. Its only gonna be for a few weeks, but that will give me time to let everything settle in.

on a side note, my purple tank might have Ich. small white spots on it, but im not sure they are not bubbles. Im gonna look into treating all the fish. in the QT tank.
I tested all my water today. Nitrates phosphates and ammonia are all down to normal. I'm still going to have someone else house my corals for a few weeks just for safety measures.

The purple tang has no spots today. Ill keep an eye on him. I was hoping to put them in the display next week. They have been in qt for 2 weeks and in my old tank for over a year before that.

When trying to drill the rock I used a diamond tile bit. It goes through granite so I figured live rock would be like butter. I was wrong! Live rock is some tough stuff.
Ross, what are the dimensions of the tank and the height of the canopy?


The tank is 72" wide, 24" deep, and 30" tall. I believe the stand sits 36" off the floor. and yes i need to have a ladder to get in the tank!!!

Bravo! Perfect. Lots of negative space and room for full size colonies in the future.

Thanks!!! That was my goal, lots of swimming and grow out room.

Man that aquascape is sick. Great job.


Crap, I just ordered a second wp40! Will it be too much for a 180?

You will be fine with 2 of them! Did you get the dual wavemaker?