@blackthunda - my immediate thoughts tell me only 2 ways.
1) connect a float switch in the saltwater tank, at a level you determine to be your "low" limit, to an apex breakout box.
2) as you said come up with a calculated reminder via email , etc.
a 3rd option would be to connect a float switch as in 1) but connect it to an audible alarm. This would alleviate connecting the apex to some remote spot and sound an audible alarm (think fire alarm) when the water runs low. not too hard of a solution and relatively inexpensive - just annoying when the buzzer goes off.
1) connect a float switch in the saltwater tank, at a level you determine to be your "low" limit, to an apex breakout box.
2) as you said come up with a calculated reminder via email , etc.
a 3rd option would be to connect a float switch as in 1) but connect it to an audible alarm. This would alleviate connecting the apex to some remote spot and sound an audible alarm (think fire alarm) when the water runs low. not too hard of a solution and relatively inexpensive - just annoying when the buzzer goes off.