This is off topic a little bit.
I noticed in one of your photos that you had a tub marked Kalk.
How are you running your ATO water?
Are you feeding the RO into the Kalk bin, mixing it there and then using that to top off the sump?
Ok that helps a lot, so the size hole I need to put in my garage ceiling needs to be large enough to fit the 2 lines? Should I put a 1' PVC and run the lines through that?
Are you guys ready for a monkey wrench? Is there a way to plumb my frag tank to this system? maybe use the drain from the display to feed and another to drain? maybe stenner makes. 3 head pump? man that would be awesome to have my display and frag tank automated like that
IMHO- you dont want tot dose your evaporated water with the RO?DI directly for 2 reasons.
1- they are not meant to do that. Turn on and off many times per day.
2- RO?DI take a while whe n they are first turned on to get you ZERO TDS. Not an expert on why, but they just dont. Try leaving you RO?DI off for a day then turn it on. You will notice that for the first few minutes the TDS out of the membrane is very high. Yes at the end its zero because the DI takes care of it, but this IMHO id causing extra wear and tear on the DI. And if you dont have DI your pouring in RO with high TDS.
I dont know how Dr. T does it, but i have a dedicated 18G rubbermaid in the same closet you saw on vid. I fill it every week, and put in my Kalk, stir, and then its dosed via a ATO (autotopoff.com dual switch for safety) with a aqualifter pump. it replaces all evaporated water.
@Sacohen, DRTHOMSON covered this with the pages of this post. From his test (pictures and details provided) there was not a discernible difference.
I wasn't going to run the ATO directly from the RO/DI unit.
I was going to run it from my 20 gallon Brute trash can that I make the RO/DI water in, but I was trying to figure out how to dose the Kalk if I did that.
Also the reason the TDS is so high at the beginning of when you start making RO/DI water is explained here...
It's called TDS creep and has to do with the TDS on each side of the membrane trying to equalize.
They way to remove it is to dispose of the first couple of min of RO water even before it goes to the DI so you don't use your DI to try to clean it up.
also, where do you guys have the strainer positioned and the refill tube from the stenner positioned in the tank for best results?