Away We Go - New Reef Set Up 230-250 gal

Also, the Koran is behaving quite better than expected. I think she's a keeper. She eats nearly everything we feed her now and she even cleared up the few aptasia we had! She has not eaten any of the corals we have and avoided some zoas we added just to see what she'd do. I'm very happy with her.
Sorry about the chromis. I am sure you did this already but if you contact them, they will credit you back for the loss. Yes, I am looking at moving up to a 180g, maybe this autumn. I hope to start the planning process soon. Glad everything is going well with the tank!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15312444#post15312444 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by OneReef
Sorry about the chromis. I am sure you did this already but if you contact them, they will credit you back for the loss. Yes, I am looking at moving up to a 180g, maybe this autumn. I hope to start the planning process soon. Glad everything is going well with the tank!

Yes. We had no trouble with the credit. Live Aquaria is a pleasure to work with. We will be using them again for sure. :) Good luck on your plans!
We had the best experience with Live Aquaria, if something showed up that did not make it, they didn't ask questions, they just credited us back the questions asked!. There is quite a bit to update on this thread with new pictures and additions, so I will try to get the good up this weekend. Stay tuned...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15314321#post15314321 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by lionbacker54
nice setup gieser! thanks for posting your tank build. living the dream man, living the dream...

I really appreciate that!!
Finally getting around for an update for all of you. Kelly's laptop crashed, so we have had a heck of a time trying to get an update posted with pictures and such. Please forgive if the photos are not A+...still working on that one...

Since our last post, we have added a few fish Magnificent Fox Face 5.5", Genicanthus Watanabei angel (we ordered a pair, only the male made it, we are awaiting a female), 6 Blue Chromis, a Midas blenny, a male/female pair of Pink Skunk Clowns and a Purple LTA (anemone), and a Sargassum Trigger.






Here is our clam

Our Purple Anemone

Here are a couple of pics of our Koran Angel..he is leaving everything alone so far.

Here are our tiny frags we started off with...a little early, but we wanted to try these to see how they do.




We also added a bit more rock and did a bit of rearranging...

these came out a bit darker than I would like...






<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15461831#post15461831 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Thanks a sweet LTA you got there....

Thanks, if we could get him to stay in one place, we would be happy.
Okay, Gieser is back!!! Long story, but in short, went through a divorce :blown:(amazing what the tanks will do LOL j/K) last march, got remarried to my new wife Katherine in September, and now we are expecting TWINS :thumbsup:. The good news is that I was able to get my house back from the X, the bad news THE OH SO BAD NEWS is that she really let the tank go :deadhorse:somewhat. I have been on it, and am about ready to reveal progress, etc. I am so happy to be back in with the tank, and it has been a headache to get back to this point. It really has not been doing well, but I it is recovering and I am going to be posting pictures and such to get everyone updated! I also just want to THANK everyone for your encouragement along the way! I am so excited to be back. That said, at this very moment, Katherine just pointed out we lost our Sailfin, which was fairly new. Testing waters again now :sad2:
HELP!!! - Dying Tank???

HELP!!! - Dying Tank???

I am not sure what is going on with my tank...

Red Carpet Algae covers a lot of the rocks and and surfaces. There are tons of bubbles mixed in with the algae. I have lost all but 3 fish, and cannot figure out the main problem. I still have one awesome coral that is still thriving, but the others have since past. I am going to run all tests today, and will post as soon as competed. I have continually done water changes, and last weekend I did a 60 gallon change. I am so frustrated and cannot figure out why the algae is taking over. Any thoughts or questions would be helpful in advance.

Tank finally back in order!

Tank finally back in order!

I conquered Cyano! :lolspin: Since then, I have been working on the tank day after day after day and have made a lot of headway. I have started to restock the tank, and wanted to post some pictures of where I am with the tank. I added about 100 lbs of live rock from Tampa Bay Saltwater and have added new fish and SPS corals (which are doing GREAT!!! thus far)...

One thing I am battling is NO3. I am seriously considering a denitrifier as I cannot seem to get the NO3 below 10-15. I have done a 30 gallon water change every day for 4 days in a row, and don't know what else to do, but to keep changing the water. Maybe they are not that high, because the new SPS and LPS are really doing well.





