Away We Go - New Reef Set Up 230-250 gal

Here is some of the rock in the tank...


Some of the rock with corals and sponges...





Overall Tank shapes and aquascape. Our main decision was to leave a lot of room for SPS, while creating middle islands that did not touch the front or rear or side walls. We ended up about 99% accomplished.



Wow, I am definitely getting some of that Tampa Bay SW rock when I need to order. That is great stuff. The tank is really starting to take shape! Keep us updated on hitchhikers as they appear. That is a crazy looking star, do you know the species?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=15167636#post15167636 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by OneReef
Wow, I am definitely getting some of that Tampa Bay SW rock when I need to order. That is great stuff. The tank is really starting to take shape! Keep us updated on hitchhikers as they appear. That is a crazy looking star, do you know the species?

I have no clue as to what species that star belongs to. I am going to try to find out today.
the new rock is great....deffinently the best rock I have EVER seen!

That star is just freaky cool lol:)

Today we added our first tankmates!!! These guys have been in out QT for about 5 or 6 weeks.

I am trying some new things with my camera, so some of these are not that great...

These are a few of them, I will post pics of some of the others later...

Regal Tang (3")

Scopas Tang (3")

The Regal and Scopas together

This is a better shot of the Basket Star from the rock...


Here is a little Candy Hog fish...


Few more to come...
We took a short break last week on the hunting. We wanted to see if we could let them settle enough into the new rock before trying to trap them. I believe we still have about 4 to try and trap. I am sure we will try some this week.

Also, my chiller arrives Wednesday, but I will be in Baltimore for a conference :( , so I won't be able to set it up until this wekedn. It will sit outside, so I have some chiseling to do on the bricks and such. We ended up with a TradeWinds Chiller. Good folks out there. I will take some photos along the the way of that install.
We have not been able to use the halides because they crank up the tank to 84 degrees, so the install of the chiller will be nice!
WHAT HAPPENED??!?!? We have an update on added fish, etc. Before I get the pictures up, I wanted to get some advice to this blow a fish suffered. This is a lyretail anthia, and he obviously got the crap knocked out of him last night. We added him with 8 others yesterday. I believe a mantis crusher smacked him as he was sleeping in the rock...your thoughts are needed. What do you think???



Our LFS had a Koran Angel brought in a few weeks ago from another keeper that he had outgrown. He had this Angel for 3 years. The LFS had him swimming is about a 110. He is about 8 inches and fairly large. We decided to give him a try and give him a home he can swim freely and enjoy more room. We decided to "adopt" him, and took him home. This may be a bigger risk than we are looking for when it comes to the sps reef we will start building, but we are willing to take it because we wanted either a Koran or a Blueface, and feel good about this one. He looks good and is acting great, so far.



Here you can see some of the Lyertail Anthias we added. We added 8, but lost one to something which I posted previously.


Also: :mad: Today we found a Cirolanid attached to one of the tail fins of one of the anthias. We set a couple of traps tonight to see if we can catch any. We have fish in the tank for a bit, but had not seen one. Our theory is that it came out of the larger Angel we put in. He was shaking is head like he had something in his gills. Either way, we have not caught any, yet..I want to kill them all...:blown:
Also, received our TradeWinds 1/2 HP Chiller last Thursday. I am placing it outside, and most of today was spent chiseling the brick and breaking thorough the wall. I placed the chiller upon a platform made of very heavy concrete blocks. Then was able to get it plumed into the house. I have not completed the plumbing, but will this week. I have some pictures to post on the work and will do so soon.
Place our first order from Live Aquaria today for 7 chromus and a lot of snails and such. We will get them tomorrow. I will also be posting pictures of the chiller and how I plumbed it, as well as the support we built under the house. Stay tuned...sorry for the delay in pictures and updates...
Hi, Jay. The chromis arrived, but there was one death in transit, so we have six. They will be out of QT next weekend. We may even put them in early. They all look fine and eat like crazy. The cleaning shrimp we got must be on strike. He will not clean any fish. They keep begging, but he is not cooperating. Everything is just really looking great overall. I think we are just going to let it run for a while now. The chiller is awesome! Andrew did a really great job setting everything up. I'm sure he'll add some pics soon. We have just been busy. I hear you are thinking of going bigger soon!