Backyard rock?


Premium Member
So I have a new tank and am thinking about using rock from the yard. Before you think I'm nuts, I am in the process of getting a pool so I have plenty of fresh dug rock. Is it safe? Is there a curing process? I think marco rocks get there rock from miami. What do you think
Do you treat, or have your yard treated with chemicals? Neighbors? If so, there's no second thought about not using it.
I have used bug spray in the yard in the past, but this is from 6' down. I also have the option of hanging in the water at our place in the keys indefinitely if need be. I am concerned about chemicals but considering the options a have with the keys place could I make it safe?
Btw this is a panoramic from my phone of the view from the porch. . Its not like we are down some back canal. 4-5 foot tide change twice a day.
Assuming that you're getting rock that was once reef, similar to what Marco gets, I would say that a few weeks soaking in that small puddle off your back porch would make for some great live rock.
I'd take the precaution of soaking in a small volume of water for a few days, then testing that water for Phosphate, etc. before adding the rock to an established system, but I expect that it would be fine.
Bill will chime in here shortly, I'm sure. If there is a reason not to use it, he'll know.

BTW, you stole that view from a dream I have on a fairly regular basis........
Assuming that you're getting rock that was once reef, similar to what Marco gets, I would say that a few weeks soaking in that small puddle off your back porch would make for some great live rock.
I'd take the precaution of soaking in a small volume of water for a few days, then testing that water for Phosphate, etc. before adding the rock to an established system, but I expect that it would be fine.
Bill will chime in here shortly, I'm sure. If there is a reason not to use it, he'll know.

BTW, you stole that view from a dream I have on a fairly regular basis........

I believe that is illegal, or at least a very grey area. It's considered aqua culturing and you need a permit. Yes ridiculous I know. Not that I wouldn't do it, I would. Just gotta be careful. FWC catches you pulling any rock from the water, and they will light you up:fun2:
I believe that is illegal, or at least a very grey area. It's considered aqua culturing and you need a permit. Yes ridiculous I know. Not that I wouldn't do it, I would. Just gotta be careful. FWC catches you pulling any rock from the water, and they will light you up:fun2:

Most certainly something to take into consideration. They have no way of knowing that you put it there. I have no knowledge of your local laws, and I wouldn't recommend violating them, as that would just be a stupid thing for me to do.
Perhaps a baby pool with a constant supply of saltwater via a submersible pump that would just overflow back into the canal would be legal and effective??
I agree with DGen with regards to the testing and soaking in your porch, cautious of laws of course.

I also think Marco treats his rocks before bringing to market though. Dont think with chemicals, but by sanblasting the heck out of it at high pressure, likely removing the top layers.. This also gives it the porosity you see in his rock. I dont know if this is true or just local rumors.
From a pool excavation your most likely alright, providing your sure there isn't a history of pesticide (both insecticides and herbicides) use that might have percolated down the porous limestone. As for hanging it off the dock or the kiddie pool...grey areas. FWC could decide to call thing aquaculture, and return to the sea from a flow thru set up could be a issue. I know the later would be a big deal problem in Miami-Dade, don't known about down in keys.
bill isnt this the same thing tampa bay live rock does is take tons of dry rock out and dump it then reclaim it ......

should be some kind of permit you could obtain I would think .....
bill isnt this the same thing tampa bay live rock does is take tons of dry rock out and dump it then reclaim it ......

should be some kind of permit you could obtain I would think .....

Yes, that's what they do. You need an aquaculturing permit. Not worth it to get for a few rocks at the hobbyist level.

Shoot, people throw tires, cynderblocks, and refrigerators in the ocean to make lobster honeyholes. We cant even dunk a few natural rocks in our own back yard for a few months without getting fined, LOL!
Depending on what you do and how you do it, it might be a good idea to take pictures in case someone asks. : )
What about a shallow kiddy pool or something filled with your rock sitting at waters edge that just so happens to get flooded naturally at high tide?
I would just cure the rocks for a few months in some trashcans, im pretty sure for 1 you need permits for all that mentioned with trying to culture the rock in the ocean...but to me its not worth it since I don't like all the macro and dictyota that grows on the aquacultured rock coming out of FL, its a PIA once it starts taking over to get it all off
It's this rock for your new Nuvo 8 gallon tank coming up?

Why don't you just buy Marco rocks or any other live rock from your favorite LFS and be done with it. If you live there, it's pretty safe to assume you have the means to pay for 8 lbs of rock.
The rock is for the 60g I will be putting together next year. Probably will go with marco rock. Seems easier since I won't get back down to the keys til next year.