Bad batch of ChemiClean


Well-known member
At MACNA - Houston I talked with the rep from Boyd Enterprises about his ChemiClean product. I wanted to know why it came in two different colors.


He told me that the white powder is the good one and the one to use. If it was yellow, contact the vendor and get it replaced. I sent an email to Ben to let him know about this when I got back so you'd pull it from the shelves.

Some time later, I placed an order with y'all to get more ChemiClean, and have 3 boxes in front of me. All three have yellow powder. I really wish I'd thought to open them up when they arrived, but I'd assumed it was the good stuff.

Can you look up my account to verify my purchase and send out three new boxes with white powder please? The account should be for Marc Levenson.
Hello Marc,

Thank you for your post, I apologize for the product, I went to our inventory just to check and all of our stock is all the white powder now. I took it upon myself to send you another 3 replacements for you at no cost to you. You should have your replacements by the end of the week. Let me know if you have any further questions

Walter F
Marine Depot Customer Services
714.385.0080 Phone
714.385.0180 Fax
Thank you Walter. I received two email notifications regarding this issue and appreciate the swift follow up.

Also, I'm glad you verified the inventory is in good order. :thumbsup: