Bad Tunze driver?


New member
Hey Roger,

I have a problem with my 6101 stream pump. While performing a long overdue maintenance (2 of 3 pumps had stopped), I noticed that one refused to power back on after a long vinegar soak. I switched out drivers and the pumps themselves function but one of the driver boxes appears to be dead. On further investigation, I also observed that the small red light (the small clear plastic piece with "24v" stamped on it) on the dead driver box isn't lighting up at all. I've switched outlets but nothing works.

What would you recommend?

Secondly, I have a wavebox pump that has also seized up. The driver works but the impeller won't budge. I've soaked in vinegar for about 8 hours now and planned on letting it soak overnight. Barring a longer soak, do you have any other recommendations for dislodging the impeller from the pump?


It sounds like you have 6101 and 6261, these pumps do not have drivers externally, so I am assuming you are referring to the power supplies. As the pumps build up calcium and lock they use more and more power and this can kill the power supplies. At first they will shut off from overheating, but after so many off and on cycles, they will fail completely. If the pump works with another power supply, I would just buy a replacement power supply, they aren't that expensive, part 6101.240 on, they cost about $60.
For the seized pump, do not get carried away, it is far easier for me to remove a drive unit if it hasn't been mangled first. I would limit attempts to remove it to twisting it back and forth if it moves at all and soaking with vinegar and warm water. One thing I have had a fair amount of luck with is 50/50 vinegar and water and placing the pump in a hot attic or garage while soaking, this gets it just warm enough to make it easier to remove. It generally takes 24-48hrs. If you don't get it out this way, send it in.
Thank you Roger.

You're correct... it's the power supply box that's acting flakey. I'll go ahead and order a new one. I hope I didn't mess up the impeller on the wavebox pump with my impatience. Time will tell when I get home from work and have a chance to see if the vinegar has loosened things up.

Will let you know.

Thanks for the advice... putting the pumps up in the attic worked for my 6105 pump... the impeller came free after a day in the heat and vinegar. I still haven't had any luck with the wavebox pump however. It's still jammed and won't budge even with a needlenose pliers wrapped in cloth. I also fear that I may have damaged the impeller shaft despite the cloth when it slipped.

Can I send them to you to have a look at?

Also... a big thanks for the power supply. Received it yesterday.
