Ballast setting for Radium bulbs


I just purchased Radium bulbs to replace my 250W XM MH bulbs and I was wondering which setting I should use on my select a watt ballast. I have 250, 250SA, 400. I know not to use the 400 but I'm not sure if I should leave it at 250 or 250SA. It burns a little brighter on SA. Any help would be appreciated.
Agree with sirreal63, I run my Radiums on the 250SA setting. The 250 was way too blue, and I suspect the PAR was not good either.
Thanks for the advise. I set them to the 250SA. I just didn't want to burn my bulbs out any sooner then I have to.
Thanks for the advise. I set them to the 250SA. I just didn't want to burn my bulbs out any sooner then I have to.

You'll burn them out sooner on the regular 250 watt setting.The 250 Radium is an HQI bulb which pulls considerably more wattage.