Banded cat shark fins


New member
Hello I have a banded Catshark that I bought about 3 weeks ago he is eating like a pig and is very active but my blue tang has nipped his tail please help is this life threatening to the shark
tank size? There is a sticky dedicated to sharks on this very forum. A simple search before the purchase of the shark would have provided the info you seek. Sedentary sharks are never a good idea with any type of grazer.
Most elasmobranchs will heal very well from minor and major injury if cared for properly.
In a small tank, I'd also suggest removing any fish that naturally graze. If they start at the fins, the shark's eyes will be next to go.
He's posted about this in another spot.
The fish in question are in a 60 cube, which is far too small for the tangs.
Remove the tangs and put them in at least a 180g tank. They need the space. What you are doing is equivalent to locking three large dogs in a room and never letting them out. They may not be fighting now, but they will.
They will continue to nip the shark. You may not see it, but they will. Next time it could be the eyes, or the shark could die of infection from having its tail nipped open every time it grows back.
Your shark will need a much, much bigger tank. Start getting that tank now so you will have it ready. You cannot keep it with any fish that nip at rocks, as it will be tormented again. You have been told this.
If you need to buy a bigger tank, get something bigger than the 180 - it won't be big enough for the shark in about a year.
The 180 is fine for tangs, though. In fact- get that and a different tank. The shark will be happiest away from grazers, and the tangs will be much happier in a bigger tank.
Like i said in my other post my shark is doing fine right now he is healing they are incredible how fast they heal. I only see a nip if he is laying on food and they try to get it But other than that no signs of aggression
knock on wood
After reading the other thread, this one, and your most recent post. I have decided to classify your shark as "Doomed". Gook Luck.
It doesn't matter if the shark is healing. THE BEHAVIOR WILL CONTINUE. This is what tangs do. The animals will continue to display natural behavior like this.
You are being stubborn, and the animal in your care will suffer for it. Once this shark dies the inevitable slow death and the tangs tear each other apart, please do not replace them. If you will not listen to the advice of the people on here, you should not keep these creatures.