Who says you need Pay-Per-View! Major UFC action going on right here.
So far I see the C-Quest Wyoming White being the weakest out of the bunch. Might have to list him up for sale soon
As for the rest I have...
A pair consisting of a Premium SnowFlake and Premium SnowOnyx
A pair of Wyoming Whites. Well, one is a Wyoming White from ProAqutics for sure. The other I picked up at MACNA and think it might be an Ultra Platinum "Big Bertha". I tend not to like Platinum's in general, but this one sure gives any Wyoming White a run for its money.
All clowns were introduced at the same time. I doubt the C-Quest Wyoming White stands a chance with the rest of the bullies. The SnowFlake and SnowOnyx are both tag teaming the small male ProAquatic Wyoming White. The largest clown, Big Bertha isn't doing anything to protect her small man. And then at the top of the food chain is Big Bertha, aint nobody messing with her.