"bannana hurricane "ricordia


In Memoriam
WOot finialy got some yellow rics... about 13 polyps for $139

picts to come soon as they are aclimating...

lol i actualy yelled " HELL YEAH" the second i saw them lol

( been looking for these for a long time)
I'm envious! I'd love to have some yellow rics. Keep me in mind if you ever decide you have too many ;)

Congrats on your find.
im going to post pics asap

i knew a guy with a tank full of these

he ended up selling his set up and sadly i found out about the offer later.... ( would have been worth it based on the ammount he had... ) ever since then this has been on my want list
in my camera... i lost the upload cord... AGAIN

i love yellow rics. these arnt hte nicest ones ever.. but htey are good enough to satisfy my yellow lust
The wonderful thing about rics is that they don't have to be the perfect specimin to be beautiful... heck even the "ugly" colored brown ones are!


they didnt come out to well but you get hte idea
and yes i see the algae. iv been heavily feeding because some of my rics were loosing color ^^ but its startingto come back ( my blues were really light blue)
and the real color of the rics is somewhere between pic one and two
btw are these yumas? they almost look like one because of the wat teh tenticals dont cover the center area heavily
yeah. im supprised.. we usualy dont get yumas in florida..a nd when we do.. they are brown

you can see more of my rics in teh background along with my suncoral.

you can see the coral already splitting. that long streach of coral. has three mouths on it.. i already had to remove some polyps because they were on the underside of the rock... no clue how they did that !
they dont look bleached its my camera. look at any pic .. non of them have true color

anyways. i brought some in to an lfs and under the 2 year old PC they look slight orange but under the new outerorbit they look yellow... go figure ( but everything else looks normal under the pc.. eitehrway they looked great