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Where does Bill build all of this stuff? Im assuming he has a VERY nice shop as well.
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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8493744#post8493744 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWaters
Where does Bill build all of this stuff? Im assuming he has a VERY nice shop as well. Any pics of that??????
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8459536#post8459536 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jnarowe
I hear ya on the SS but I have had several nylon screws break and that is a total pain. I use 18-8 SS screws (which really isn't the best blend of alloys) and run them in and out with a cordless drill. SO far it is working really well and I can yank 20 screws in under a minute. Like I wrote, Bill may be able to source higher density nylon being in the business he is in.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8489188#post8489188 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tigger240
hey spazz i actually got an idea while "trying to keep an open mind" lol - if you capped off the elbow thats pointed towards the bubble diffusor and then drilled holes around the circumference that were in quanity and in size to support the flow of water to the skimmer. this would force the new water across in a thin sheet instead of a downward like tube. it may help with turblence and also dwell time, but im sure it probably splitting hairs and not make too much of a difference, if at all. the thinking behind it is that the new bubbles would tear into the new water more evenly and throughly because of the even disfussion of the new water into the diameter (instead of height) skimmer body, but i already see some holes in my idea, the water is forced into the central part of the skimmer, where the bubbles are most likely in highest percentages. just a thought - also is bill still using flexible needles or has he switched over to stiff ones?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8494018#post8494018 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
bill said he will always use nylon because he dont want any rust in the system and that he uses orings for gaskets so he dont have to tighten down the nylon screws so hard that they break. he has never has any scrwws break on him.
i think the person that tapped out the threads didnt chase them out afterwards and htere was plastic residue left in there. it will bind up to the point you will snap off the heads if you try to tighten them.
alot of gaskets are made form oring material so it will crush down and make a tight seal. this is why they dont use flat gasket material. flat gaskets take too much torque to keep them tight. your flanges will warp before they seal properly.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8518110#post8518110 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
so i think this thread will split at least 3 times before bill even has the tank finnished. ha ha ha ha i think that will be some kind of a record for a reef central tank build thread. :lol: :lol: :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8488493#post8488493 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
well bill decided he didnt like the amount of skimmate he was getting so he did some expermenting. it turns out it increased the skimmate by making it run counter current. it pulled alot of skimmate by puttingthe wate into the pumps and running it through the diffuser but making it counter current pulls even more. the turbulance inside the skimmer are minimal. the best way to describe it is like this.
all the water has to go through millions of bubbles before it can reach the bottom of the skimmer. that would be like trying to ga against the flow of rush hour traffic. your not going to get there real fast. so its increasing dwell time and being mixed around inside the main chamber. bill did a test one time with some food coloring. he injected food coloring into the intake pump that feeds the skimmer. it took 15 mins for the skmmer to clear up. so that gives a good indication of how long the water really dwells in the skimmer. the longer the water can be inside the skimmer the cleaner it wil be when it exits the skimmer. alot of that has to do with bombardment rate also. you need to have a high air to water ratio in order to clean the water properly. so to do that you need tones of super fine bubbles.
Actually from my little nano world, anyone with a tank larger than say 30 gallons a fish idol to me.[/B]