Compare the earlier graph of green house gases with this chart:
Now I'm just asking, I may not fully understand, don't get all religious on me. Green house gases show an obvious trend upward. Its almost linear. Yet temperatures have risen and fallen. If what is said is true and there is a direct relationship shouldn't the temperature trends also be a linearly pregressing upwards? Why the cooling trend in the 70's? The CO2 is rising yet the earth is cooling? Doesn't that turn on a light? Make you go Hmmmmm?
Earlier there was a chart of surface temperatures that showed that recent years were the hottest on record. (just USA data I believe because China is experiancing a 20 year cold snap) but be that as it may. The green house effect should happen from the top down. The upper atmosphere should trap heat and warm first. Yet even with the hot surface temps sited the upper atmosphere has cooled 0.6 dergrees C according to NASA satallites. Once again, I don't know what that means, but it makes me go hmmmm.
BTW, as stated before, looking at the green house gas emmisions you need to keep in mind that those gases make up less that 5% of the greenhouse effect. 95% of greenhouse effect is caused by water vapor. Also of the green house gases 10-12% are from humans. 88-90% are natural emmsions, volcanoes, swanps, elephant farts etc. Does that mean that humans contribute only 1/2 of 1% of the total greenhouse effect. Makes me go Hmmmm?
I am a scientist by trade and training. That means I'm a skeptic by nature. All scientists should be skeptics. It is the job of a scientist to spend his whole life trying to prove himself wrong. Why I keep hearing that a consensus of scientist believe this way or that, I wonder why they aren't pondering the same questions I am. I'm not saying global warming isn't real (oops global climate change, gotta use the new terminology) I'm just saying prove it better. Quit making the data fit the thesis instead of the other way around. Just because you found a 3 legged frog doesn't mean global warming is real. Rule out everything else first.
Whats with all this religious zealotry and dogma over this. Its just science. And to make this all fit the topic, if you think that driving your SUV caused the bleaching of the barrier reef then your just nuts. This is a very complicted field of study. It crosses lines with many scientific disaplines. Some researchers have spent their whole lives studing it. There are enough volumes of data to fill a library on both sides of the issue. For you guys who are passionate about this issue (and for the life of me I don't know why you would be) cherry picking a few graphs off the internet and calling me wrong and stupid just shows how unqualified you are to make this argument.
Now I'm just asking, I may not fully understand, don't get all religious on me. Green house gases show an obvious trend upward. Its almost linear. Yet temperatures have risen and fallen. If what is said is true and there is a direct relationship shouldn't the temperature trends also be a linearly pregressing upwards? Why the cooling trend in the 70's? The CO2 is rising yet the earth is cooling? Doesn't that turn on a light? Make you go Hmmmmm?
Earlier there was a chart of surface temperatures that showed that recent years were the hottest on record. (just USA data I believe because China is experiancing a 20 year cold snap) but be that as it may. The green house effect should happen from the top down. The upper atmosphere should trap heat and warm first. Yet even with the hot surface temps sited the upper atmosphere has cooled 0.6 dergrees C according to NASA satallites. Once again, I don't know what that means, but it makes me go hmmmm.
BTW, as stated before, looking at the green house gas emmisions you need to keep in mind that those gases make up less that 5% of the greenhouse effect. 95% of greenhouse effect is caused by water vapor. Also of the green house gases 10-12% are from humans. 88-90% are natural emmsions, volcanoes, swanps, elephant farts etc. Does that mean that humans contribute only 1/2 of 1% of the total greenhouse effect. Makes me go Hmmmm?
I am a scientist by trade and training. That means I'm a skeptic by nature. All scientists should be skeptics. It is the job of a scientist to spend his whole life trying to prove himself wrong. Why I keep hearing that a consensus of scientist believe this way or that, I wonder why they aren't pondering the same questions I am. I'm not saying global warming isn't real (oops global climate change, gotta use the new terminology) I'm just saying prove it better. Quit making the data fit the thesis instead of the other way around. Just because you found a 3 legged frog doesn't mean global warming is real. Rule out everything else first.
Whats with all this religious zealotry and dogma over this. Its just science. And to make this all fit the topic, if you think that driving your SUV caused the bleaching of the barrier reef then your just nuts. This is a very complicted field of study. It crosses lines with many scientific disaplines. Some researchers have spent their whole lives studing it. There are enough volumes of data to fill a library on both sides of the issue. For you guys who are passionate about this issue (and for the life of me I don't know why you would be) cherry picking a few graphs off the internet and calling me wrong and stupid just shows how unqualified you are to make this argument.