Bas reef from Holland

lay out is pretty good, I am stuck with under the tank also on my new build (330gal) as cement floor and can't put anything in wall behind it, how long have you had tank up?
anything you would of layed out differently now that you have it up and running?
This is one of the nicest tanks I have seen. Do you have any pictures of how you aquascaped before you added corals?
Hey sarens
I have the tank nog about 3 years
And iam pretty happy whit the layout
On a new tank i Will ad more lichtning
Gr bas
Thank you Shagin wagon
I dond have Amy pictures from before. I added corals sorry
Gr bas

Honestly, this really is one of the nicest tanks I have seen. I would love to have seen how you aquascaped this tank to get the valley effect in the middle. I would love to get the same effect in my new tank I'm currently putting together.
Very nice tank, the colors and growth of your corals are amazing!

Looks like you took out the large pocillipora colony in the upper back left corner out?
Yes thats richt It were te big and i have It on 2 other places and i needed Some space so i took the big one out
Gr bas