before breaking down of the tanks...


In Memoriam
hello.. just wanted to post some pics of my tanks before I break them down in the next days... I will be consolidating to one tank (75g) with the nano being just a quarantine/frag tank since we're moving to an apartment...

12g nano

some zoa close ups from nano w/ flash

55g.. sorry for the big pic

thanks for looking... probably not going to post pics for a while.. will let you know when things settle and when the 75g gets in shape for pics taking...

Thats gonna be such a big ordeal good luck with it...I'm sure you will find yourself filling the new 75 in no time...Keep us posted.
You have my sympathies. If I move anything, I can never get it to look quite right. That 75 will be alot of fun though.
Marvin, do you get "war" between any of those colonies or are they all pretty much at a stalemate?
Azurel: I'm actually looking forward to moving them to a bigger place.. just wanted that extra depth to aquascape better.. I think I'll be okay.. and yes, I know I'll find myself filling it up soon but I'll have to settle for what I have..

mecold: yes, it'll be fun to have the 75g.. :)

IanInDC: I did have an issue with some colonies.. ofcourse, the ones I like less are taking over the ones I like better... I just had to frag the ones I like less... no biggie..

Thanks for the responses...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6624992#post6624992 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Marv_55_Gallon
I did have an issue with some colonies.. ofcourse, the ones I like less are taking over the ones I like better... I just had to frag the ones I like less... no biggie..
I was just thinking about asking people who have full colonies touching what they do, frag or what! What is the coral, it looks like a soft on the left side of that last picture, 2 white stalks growing from the GSP mat? I'm wondering also if the GSP is close around it's base and if they are getting along? Good luck on the move to the 75 and of course we'll be waiting for the 75 pics!:D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6625372#post6625372 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AIMFish
I was just thinking about asking people who have full colonies touching what they do, frag or what! What is the coral, it looks like a soft on the left side of that last picture, 2 white stalks growing from the GSP mat? I'm wondering also if the GSP is close around it's base and if they are getting along? Good luck on the move to the 75 and of course we'll be waiting for the 75 pics!:D

What I have on the left side of the tank are 10" x 6" GSP rock, two color hammer, green leather, and Xenia... The one you asked about is are Xenias... they are not growing from the GSP mat.. they're attached to a 3" x 2" rock...

Vetter1980: I'd like to change it to MarvinsReef if I can.. anybody know how do I go about doing this?


Thanks for the reply. I was thinking it might be xenia but it looks "taller" than most I've seen. A moderator should be able to change your name, I've seen them do it on other forums using this same program.
If you happen to find any stragglers in your tank just let me know. I have the perfect place to keep them ;)

BTW, ask a moderator to change your name. Good luck with the upgrade.
Fun fun fun! You're gonna be busy for a while with that. If I may, I recommend you find yourself at least one container that is more wider then high. This container you will fill with tank water, and place your animals in. Then, if you can get your hands on them, get at least 2 30+ gallon garbage cans. (heavy duty prefered)

Make sure you put a power head in each container and at least one heater in each. That will keep most of your animals from skunking.

First, place all the anmals into the shallow vat then the rock goes into the rest. Try to evenly stack the rock to avoid an avalanch or damage to the rock on the bottom of the containers/garbage cans.

Get your new tank up to speed with temp and salinity. Then it's all a matter of placing your rock. Be warned, it is going to get cloudy!

If you're going to be adding a sand bed, then do that at least a day or more in advance. You can even fill the tank with water until you move the rock in. All you'll have to do is drain out enough water to fit your rock and old water. This way your tank won't be milk when you move the animals and rock in.

Anyway, it's all very easy, but just a lot of work. You're gonna have fun.;)

Go to the site feedback forum and post a thread that you would like a name change. I have done this.

Also I cant wait to see the new 75 in action!
Wow, a shame to see such beautiful tanks being taken down...but the possibility of what is to come with the new 75g should be even better!!!

I've recently (well, over the last several months) become a zoa addict and love to check out the various colorations that people here have. Can't wait to see what your new setup looks like and good luck with the move!!