Berlin-Reef 2.0

Happy for you Dennis.
Your patience paid off. A lot of holes in that bottom already ... :lmao:
Gorgeous tank and I am interested how this plumbing will work out.

Hey Janci,

thank you :wavehand: your right, many holes in the tank... but every hole is used.
Im interested too ;) I hope everything will work fine
so Little Information about the holes in the bottom and glas..


putting in the red pipes to see the space... lot of work to do in the next weeks... pipes with Loclines


here the idea...
from left to right:
CL pressure (32mm/1,25")/CLpressure(32mm/1,25") /CL return(50mm/2")/ dry pipe(50mm/2") for cables (ATIhybrid and flow pumps)/safety pipe(50mm/2")/ return (63mm/2,5")/return pump (32mm/1,25")

the return pump and the Closed Loop will flow over the loclines...

CL (locline) / CL (locline) / return pump (locline)


and a first fts with glas... the effect of the rockwork is better with glas


Wow that is some nice looking glass. That's a ton of pipe and holes. I really like your scape and style of build.

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The scape is going to look amazing once covered with corals :D Love it!
Thank you mate! I hope it :mixed::spin1:
I want to keep it simple and more space for sps and coral growth..


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thank you :wavehand:

Wow that is some nice looking glass. That's a ton of pipe and holes. I really like your scape and style of build.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

thank you :) I love the tank, realy good work. Yes thats true, a lot of pipes and holes. You all now it, started by sketches and ideas and ends in the real tank and now you can see the real space. But everything will be fine, I think :lol2:
hey guys little update from this weekend...
I start the plumbing... so far so good, I order more stuff, so I can finish everything next week.

here is a picture of the closed-loop. ( i change the grey one next week)

and return pump. I change the grey pipe next week.
The return pump will be used for the zeo filter and my jet stream 1 ca reactor. (Here I need to add some more stuff next week) The zeo filter doesn't work over the own pump. All over the return pump. I will post some detail pics when it is finished.

Here is a overview of the pipes.
from left to right:
return Close loop 1 and 2 (32mm)_dry pipe for cable work(50mm)_Closed-Loop(50mm)_safety pipe (50mm)_return (63mm)_ return pump (32mm)

I have paid attention to make all curves and other stuff bigger one number because I don't want lost flow. So the RD3s can run on maximum power!
no 90° corner only curves. They don't stop the flow rate! For example

Red Dragon 3 return 30mm, pipes 30mm curves and other stuff 40mm with reductions.


and here a prototype of a special creation thing for the loc lines. A fixture for the loc lines...more flow back in the filtration area


I have to add something here and there and test it... but I think it will work good.
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Georg Fischer equipment to regulate the flow for the Zeovit Filter and the little one maybe for the Jet Stream 1 (will see) I love the big one for my zeo filter. I used it in my old tank and I was very happy about it

Damn that plumbing is just fantastic Dennis :D :inlove: I wish it were easy to get a hold of it here in Aus!
Nice tank dimensions and proportions and a beautifull scape.
Looks pretty good 'till now!

Do you think about to use epoxy putty to fix the scape instead the "hellermanns" ?

thanks Dom, yes I love this work and hopefully everything is fine when the rest arrived and I start the tank :hmm2:
I'm sure it will!! :thumbsup: I only just noticed but that black ATI Hybrid is gorgeous :inlove: I've kind of been tempted by them haha
Nice tank dimensions and proportions and a beautifull scape.
Looks pretty good 'till now!
Do you think about to use epoxy putty to fix the scape instead the "hellermanns" ?

Hey Alex, Thank you very much. I use Reef Bond to fix it. later I will cut the "hellermanns"

I'm sure it will!! :thumbsup: I only just noticed but that black ATI Hybrid is gorgeous :inlove: I've kind of been tempted by them haha

yes I love it... looks great and the light is realy good.
good morning,
Little update from this Weekend. Everything is ready to glue...

the locline removable fixture, handmade ... an idea to create a drain/backflow





and the Zeofilter over the RD3 speedy.. with Georg Fischer Equipment



today i will glue everything, the Ro/Di is running and then ready to start

More detail pictures later
Cheesus... now that is what I call some serious plumbing!!

Looking really good Dennis!! Can't wait for you to catch up and get your tank started!!

Cheesus... now that is what I call some serious plumbing!!

Looking really good Dennis!! Can't wait for you to catch up and get your tank started!!


moin flo,

:mixed:oh yes, I love These works:spin1:
It is exciting if everything work good when I switched on