Best design for this hybrid light


Parts are staring to arrive.
Single chip LED heat-sink.


UV 10W multichip LED

RGB LED heat-sink
Nice, do you have SPS? are they colored and growing?

Yeah, everything is doing much better since the addition of T5's. I had several sps frags that just refused to grow under just leds. Now with T5's they are off and running (finally)!
So I sold some things on eBay today and decided to order one of each of these multi chip LEDs. I like the fact that they are 12V for the 48W ones. I'll keep you all posted on my test of the multi chip LEDs and also on the planned hybrid T5/LED light with the 3w LEDs.
Temporary placement of the LED boards. Every LED board soldered and tested. Now I have to connect them together and test everything. I think this light will look very cool.

Here are some pics.



Might have missed it but, what drivers do you use for your builds? I'll be putting together a diy light soon and am looking for low profile pwm drivers that are good to about 54v output @ 1A.
I normally don't use traditional drivers. I use a power supply with a controller. As far as the T5 ballast, I will leave the one that came with the T5 light and just add the power supply and controller for the LEDs.

The power supply I normally use is 12Vdc 20amps or 240watts.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. I don't do conventional builds by normal standard, but I have been building DIY lights for years. This will be my third it forth LED light for Aquariums and there first one that will incorporate T5.

I just received the multichip LEDs and I have to say, I like how it looks and works. I may rethink my design.

I'm glad I waited for this one before making the 3W LEDs permanent.

Check out the multichip LED and the new option for this hybrid light. Let me know what you think.






Pucks are a life saver, I have some dual channel ones that were pretty easy to install, no more late night soldering. However u need a hell of a heat sink to pull away the concentrated heat.
I just did another test run and I'm having issues with how to dim these. My controller has 5 channels, but for some reason when I run these through the controller, one light works great, but when I add the second one, they lose brightness.

The power supply is not the issue as it has the ability to do 20 amps, but it must be a channel limitation of the controller.

I'll have to go back to the drawing board with these "pucks". I really want to stay with the current power supply and controller I have, as they work great. I'll keep you guys updated.
Power supply output is 12v DC, right? So each string cannot pull more than 12v, I think.. Been a while since I did my build. Your controller looks like 12to24v, so you may have to swap your power supply to a 24v? Or add another controller for more strings..
I'm not an expert by any means, just what I remember from my build

Not local, but enjoying reading your build. Would like to go hybrid at some point..
The power supply is 12v, but so are the LEDs. Each channel of the multi chip LEDs is 10-12V and 700-900mamps. I'm not sure if the controller is to blame here or if the power supply has a voltage limitation per channel.

I'm testing a few more things once I finish some work I have to do.

Thank you for your feedback. I welcome any ideas others may have.
Hey team. I just wanted to give you a quick update. I had some time this weekend and decided to work on this light. I bought a 24v driver to connect them in a series and added two heatsinks with embedded fans to keep things cool.

I like these LEDs, but man they get hot. Here are some pictures.



I would think you would need a much larger heatsink to be passively cooled (ie no fan)

also, are you using a thermal paste between chip and sink? stupid question be you never know.