best way to fix out of whack cal/alk


New member
Ive been using seachem reef buffer to try and keep my PH up and it raises alk too. My alk is now 15 dkh and cal has dropped to 290. Every time i add buffer now i get precipitation. What would be the best way to ballance them out? turbo calcium?

BTW i am running a korallin calcium reactor on a 110g with 3 small pieces of lps and 1 acro frag
I'd suggest not adjusting the reactor, stopping the buffer supplements, and adding a CaCl (calcium chloride) based additive like Turbo Calcium or an equivalent to bring up the Ca level. You might need to dose higher than their recommended level (~ up to 2X-3X) and do it for up to 1-2 weeks. Make sure that you are testing regularly, and once you get things balanced, try to rely on the reactor. With a couple frags, you shouldn't be consuming much.
At this point a pretty big water change is the easiest fix unless you plan on testing and retesting.........
You may also want to find out what your Magnesium level is as well ... all three seem to balance one another.
After the water change test your numbers. Make sure you test the magnesium. Correct that first using your choice of magnesium supplements. I recommend Randy homemade 2(3) part. I've used in the past just the epsom salt mix but now do the MgCl combined with the epsom salts. Here's a link to the supplement formulations. I use the prestone driveway heat version of the Dow pellets myself for the CaCl in that formula.

Then, once you have the supplements and the test numbers, use this calculator page to correct the imbalances. Keep magnesium increases to about 100 per day and the calcium raises to about 40-50 a day. Alk I never worry too much about just fixing what it needs to be fixed. If using the pH raising version of that 2 part or even some of the bionic 2 parts will do the same, then add the supplement slowly avoiding as much local clouding. I'm sure the article with the reciepe will mention that subject.

After it's where you want it see if your reactor is keeping even with tank usage be watching for falling or rising numbers. Your alk will raise by 2.8 for every 20 ppm the calcium raises so it seems easier to watch the alk when judging calcium and alkalinity usage. Dialing that in could probably be better answered by another.
Funny ... looks like all 3 of us had Magnesium on our minds at the same time ... looks that that may be the missing link!