Better return plumbing


New member
Upgraded to a DC return pump (VarioS). Running dead silent at 39%, Apex controlled. Love it. But the actual plumbing going into the tank is a bit ghetto. The pipe is 1 1/4". I'd love to split this into 2, 1" spray bars on a TEE, but I'm not sure I can find the right fittings. Thoughts?

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I don't see why not. I would get a threaded tee and then use PVC reducers to get to the correct size for your lockline.
I found some random flow generators at BRS that are 1". I think 2 of these are probably better than Loc-Line. I can only find that in 3/4".
What kind of spray paint can I put on the PVC if it's going IN the tank? Anything?

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It's a bit of a controversial subject that you should read up about, but I've personally spray painted PVC with krylon fusion and used that underwater in my tank with no noticeable problems. In fact to do the same thing you did, paint my returns black so they blend in better with the background. The one precaution is I let it cure for over a week before using it.

In my research I came across some people who said all spray paint is unsafe to use (including the company itself), and then on the opposite side some people who said most brands are safe to use. I really don't know other than in my experience krylon fusion seems to cause no issues assuming it is fully cured. Then again, YMMV.

Some say krylon fusion is discontinued, but I bought a can of it a couple weeks ago so I think it is maybe just hard to find.
Any common/regular spray paint is fine provided you let it cure long enough (a week is more than sufficient) and prep the surface properly to ensure sufficient adhesion..

Personally I think that your return is just fine how it is and loc-line is just a restriction negatively effecting the system..
Keep it simple.. it just works better that way..

IF you haven't already done so I recommend multiple anti-siphon holes (I think I see one there).. And make sure you make cleaning any algae,etc.. from that area part of your regular maintenance..
As others have suggested, there are many options far superior to spray bars. They take up a lot of space, are eyesores (even when painted) and are hard to direct flow.

If you're worried about paint in your tank, just order some black PVC from places like Savko or