BigDaddyD1992's 40g breeder 20g long sump build!!! Pictures!!!

Getting my first 10g water change done!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred
Just made a big purchase today, a Kessil A160 tuna blue!! Going to be getting another one and the controller kessil maskes here soon! Will be adding some zoa's, fish, and inverts this month! Stay tuned!!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred
Adding my lovestock now! 1 black ice ocellaris clownfish, 1 yasha goby, 1 red banded pistol shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1 clearner shrimp, 1 trochus snail, and 1 caribbean porcelain crab! I had a big clownfish in here before and the bioload is stablized around him. I took him out and im adding these guys! Super exited to get this tank finally going!!



Corn Fed Iowa Bred
Got a shipment of some CUC stuff from Inland Aquatics, the Mysid/Gammarus Starter Kit, some hair worms, and 4 mini brittle starfish. Kinda mixed it between the display and refugium.

Great looking tank so far!

How did you get Inland to ship this to you? I thought they shut down back in April.
Great looking tank so far!

How did you get Inland to ship this to you? I thought they shut down back in April.
Thanks!! I gave them a call to ask them some questions about their shipping policies and they talked me through it, I placed my order and it was at my door in no time!! Awesome service from them guys, and i couldn't be more happy with what i got from them! My tank is exploding with micro fauna now, i honestly hate changing my filter socks out because of all the "critters" in them lol!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred
Thanks!! I gave them a call to ask them some questions about their shipping policies and they talked me through it, I placed my order and it was at my door in no time!! Awesome service from them guys, and i couldn't be more happy with what i got from them! My tank is exploding with micro fauna now, i honestly hate changing my filter socks out because of all the "critters" in them lol!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred

That's good to know. I've ordered from them many times before, but according to their website they're had a liquidation sale and cut out that part of their business. It's good to know they're still open, at least in some capacity.
That's good to know. I've ordered from them many times before, but according to their website they're had a liquidation sale and cut out that part of their business. It's good to know they're still open, at least in some capacity.
Yeah I bought the "Mysis/Gammarus Starter Kit" at this url :

Ill definitely buy it again in the future and recommend it to any looking to jump start a new tank stsrted with dead rock!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred
Ill be getting some more fish, and some coral here by the end of this month! Im so excited to get my first coral in here and have it be an official "reef tank"! Stay tuned!!!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred
Nice Build! I'm starting my own 40B build so I will follow to pick up any pointers.
Thanks!! Yeah its a very fun hobby, the only pointer i can give you is to take your time and do your research. I did about 2 years of research and planning before my tank was set up. Good luck with your build! Stay tuned, more fish and my first coral(s) will be here by the end of the month!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred

Got some new arrivals yesterday and everyone is settling in nicely! I picked up a bonded pair of yellow head jawfish, a rose bubble tip anemone, and a frag of rasta zoa's(4 heads). The jawfish have been pretty much hiding since i got them in the tank yesterday, but i have been seeing them on occasion come out to say hi lol. Managed to get. A shot of everything else though!


Rose bubble tip anemone

I also picked up a screen top kit from BRS and i put it on there just in time before i got the jawfish lol.

Tanks really starting to come together! With the zoa's in there it is no longer a FOWLR, but a reef tank! Sooo exited!! Going still keep taking it slow, and gradually keep adding more fish and coral. I plan on getting some more equipment here in the coming week so stay tuned guys! Also ill try to get a picture of my pair of jawfish up on here ASAP!!!

Corn Fed Iowa Bred