Just wanted to post an update but I have been pretty busy lately. I do have some progress pictures I will get up soon.
I know I will be berated for not doing it the correct way and getting the tang into a QT tank. But this wild beast could not be caught to save my live, without removing all of the rocks in the display. Hes too damn fast and too damn smart. I didn't want to stress him out be repeatedly chasing him around the tank with a net, so after a couple days of trying to catch him I let him be.
I instantly went out and grabbed some DR G's anti bacterial and anti parasite food. I stated alternating feedings, anti bacterial in the morning and anti parasite in the evening. and started giving the nori a super heavy soaking of garlic juice.
After the original post before the food, the block spots got bigger and darker and one spot that the wrasse was picking at started getting white and fuzzy.
After about 5 days on the food the dark spots got much lighter and were a greyish color. after about 9 days on the food, the spots were nothing more then an outline. After a good 2 weeks its scales have grown back in and he's back to 100%. I am now back to a regular feeding schedule and regular food.
I know its definitely not the right way to go about it, but it seems to have worked really well this time around.
Knock on wood.