Black perculas?

I agree with eco-tropic and Qwiv. There are no black perculas. There are black Ocellaris. The most black you will see on a perc is from an onyx. Like stated above 99% of the time you see something labeled black percula it is a black Amphiprion polymnus.
When I worked at my LFS we would order both black percs and black Ocs. The "black percs" were always saddlebacks. I see them being sold on the internet as black percs all the time.
"Black perc's" at my LFS, likely Black Ocellaris from ORA. They've been in my tank a few months. Pretty peppy and in with high flow, so it's difficult to get good pictures of them.


yep those are ora black ocellaris. they will end up losing their orange tip noses for the most part. I ordered two small clowns from over a year ago. They paired and did awesome in the 20 long. I moved them over to my 90g sps tank where they swam freely and loved every minute. Then one day a new freshly qt'ed tang somehow brought along ich to the main display. Well after a while I realized what I thought was ich was actualy velvet. I had 3 fish die in a week. The male black clown was, unfortunately, one of the fish that passed. The female (now about 3.5") survived and is doing well. I had been looking for a black clown to pair her up with again and it finally looks like Ora is releasing some more. Jaime called liveaquaria and asked them about black clowns and if they could get us a definite mail to which they responded they could not guarantee a sex and that they only had black percula. A few days later black ocellaris clowns appeared on their site. Obviously the CSR we talked to at liveaquaria had no idea the difference between the ocelaris and percula. He was just spouting off the title which says "Black Percula Clownfish". Needless to say we ordered a new tiny clown to pair him up with our larger female. He comes in tomorrow! Hope all goes well.
I was somehow lucky to get a pair of wild caught black/white ocellaris from bluezoo back in sept. they are awesome. the female is almost all black and the male is starting to go all black also. im hoping they spawn but i know that could be a few months more if not years as my understanding is these variant of clowns are pretty hard to get spawning.

either way they have great personalities and are awesome fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8598657#post8598657 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keefsama2003
I was somehow lucky to get a pair of wild caught black/white ocellaris from bluezoo back in sept. they are awesome. the female is almost all black and the male is starting to go all black also. im hoping they spawn but i know that could be a few months more if not years as my understanding is these variant of clowns are pretty hard to get spawning.

either way they have great personalities and are awesome fish.
Yea my Tank Raised female is completely black. She started almost 1/3 orange and ended up with not a single spec of orange on her. :)
FWIW:The black ocellaris from LiveAquaria are not from ORA. LiveAquaria sends most of their fish from a wholesaler in Los Angeles that gets its CB clowns (including the black ocellaris) from the Tropic Marine Hatchery in England.
In most cases the people at LiveAquaria never see any of the fish that are sent to you and rely on the wholesaler to choose the fish for you.

Some people setting up breeding pairs of black ocellaris get one from ORA and one from LA in the hopes that they are getting different genetic material.