Blazer, you are a (RIC) Grandpa !


New member
Hey Blaze. I was doing some tank maint when low and behold, I spotted a flippin baby pink ric from one of your children previously sold to me. I tried to snap a pic but failed on two attempts due to water flow clouding pic. Give it a week or two to beef up a little and I'll post up a pic of your newest grandbaby ! lol
That's great! It's nice to hear that my pink Yuma's are naturally propagating it other people's tanks as well. Be sure to post a picture when you get a chance, I would love to see it :D
I'll try and get a pic tomorrow or Saturday. I dont want to move rock they are on if I can avoid it. You know how cranky Yumas can be.

I'll try shutting down pumps and shooting from above. Sorry about posting here. COuldn't find any previous PM's and didnt know your exact alias. Hey, I'm gettin old !