"bleaching events"?????


New member
Hi Mr. Borneman:
What will people think of next! The tread of a general lack of respect for anything and everything but the all mighty dollar is truely disheartening. I realize that global policing is all but impossible but we have to respond with "our" all mighty dollar and refuse to support such practices and if it means hurting some innocent resellers along the way then that's the way it must be. I see it as being simular to holding CEO's accountable for the practices they condone. The way we spend our money is a "vote" for those we exchange it with.
Anyway, back to a more natural thought, you mention "bleaching events" in your artical. I was wondering what those may be. I assume you are refering to natural events. Is it a water quality thing or is it a tide/current issue? Just curious.
Thanks, keep up the good work with the letters to those who can help on the environmental issues.
Bleaching events occur in the wild regularly, although there is a strong correlation with increased seawater temperature, especially with "doldrums" or still water. They are usually worse during El Nino years. Bleaching is caused by many things, but mass bleaching events are generally temperature related. Recent evidence might be suggesting that there is a bacterial correlation, as well, as temperatures push upwards enough to cause some bacteria to turn on adherence and virulence genes. However, this work is just beginning, and its scope and signfiicance is far from complete. However, the current models fit in well with the temperature increases required to initiate bleaching and with mortality that occurs in severe events. I have an article on bleaching in the archives of www.advancedaquarist.com