blue monti turns green

Billy P

New member
i recently purchase a blue montipora and it has turn an ugly shade of green. i placed it high in my tank about 3in from the surface and a total of 8in from my 400w 15k light. it is in a high flow area and i recently install a korallin1502 calcium reactor that i am still tuning in. i would like any advise to help restore it to its once brillent blue color.
Each coral will change color to your tank chemistry and lighting. You may never get that color back unless it goes back to the tank it came from. Play with it a bit and remember to place it and then leave it there for a few weeks before you decide it isnt the spot. Needs some time to change.
Usually color of sps is highly related with light temperatue.
I think you got monti grown in 20k light right? Check the light temp of original tank and replace your bulb like that !!