Blue-Spotty fun... (Part 1)


New member
I didn't want to put a Jawfish through the rigors of failed burrow making in a QT; so I decided to order one from Divers Den where they at least have been though some QT already.

When my 5pm DD alarm went off I was out having a nice meal in a restaurant with my husband. I apologized and began the customary frantic page refreshing; expecting it to be updated within a few mins as it usually is. A LOT of refreshing later and finally the selection changed at around 5.30pm... Whoops. Sorry patient husband...! :D It paid off though as this chap was amongst the days treasures!

Meet Kululu!

Roll on a couple of days and my new little pal arrived safe and sound. Here he is in the bag...


I added him to the tank and he almost immediatly began to build his first burrow... at probably THE most shallow part of the sandbed...


He seemed happy enough though and it was fascinating to watch him go about the business of digging...


I am really impressed how quickly he settled in. I'd read that BSJ can be quite difficult at first, but mine only took about 5mins shake off the trip and get digging. When I fed the tank that evening he even sampled a few bites... although he did end up spitting out most of it out in favor of continuing the excavation instead.