Need help deciding which fixture I need to get. My tank is a custom made 37x20x20. Will the S200 be enough for SPS as well?
Need help deciding which fixture I need to get. My tank is a custom made 37x20x20. Will the S200 be enough for SPS as well?
And an additional question while I'm here, as I'm ironing out the latest details before ordering - I see most are using a lot of Blue comparing to RoyalBlue. Any particular reason?
I like my tank to be more on the blue side, but isn't Royal Blue more effective for coral growth than pure Blue?
Yes RB is best for growth because it peaks at 450 nm but using the blues does help with growth too and gives you a better aesthetically looking tank. I would say that if you don't have UV leds which are 410-420 then you should be using a bit more RB than Blues but with UV's growth should be fine.
Gillguy - do you have any update on your growth? I understand you're still supplementing with T5s, but would still like to know if you're satisfied with growth from the Malibu.
I believe that the S200 will work just fine for those dimensions.
Growth has been great here are some before and after shots.
Some of the before were actually taken after the lights had been installed for a couple of weeks. Take a look
Hiya Chaps...This is my 1st post on here...I would of used a newbi section,but it dont seem you lads have one,must be a British thing lol...
Anyway my name is Clive from the UK and I have just purchased 2 Ledzeal Malibu 150 s series light from China.... But the problem is I brought the standard cluster set up ...And I wish I had stumbled across this site before I brought them as didn't know you could of had a custom set up...And after hanging them above the tank I found the lights where way to yellow,compered to the ecotech Kr92 lights I had with the 90 degree optics I found they gave it more of a disco affect when the reds and greens,more like spot lights...
So what I did was to take out the optics totally so one light was running no optic and no cover glass...
As you can see the right hand unit has no optics,which I do think it give a better spread of light....But it does look way to pink and yellow for my liking...I also don't really think it is necessary to have the reds in...
Have been chatting with ledzeal about sending me some more led,s so I can change them myself.... And do away with the red and green lights and go for more blue ones...Or maybe change the whites to a 16000k cool white..And still get some more blues in....
And also could someone help give an Idiot a lesson in how to set these up as still not got a clue how too :uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Cheers lads Clive (maverick)
Maverick, Hello from across the pond. I too wish you hasd read the thread prior to your purchase. As I have said all along, the standard layout is too white/yellow. The blue to white ratio must be 2:5 to 1 or 3:1.
Also, I will PM you on how to setup the controller. It is a bit confusing but not that bad.
The lenses are easily replaced. The unit has a plexiglass that slides out and it exposes the lenses. I already replaced all four of my red leds from 60 degrees to 80. I used my old lenses from my DIY leds. As far as custom spectrum, you can choose from any of these:
Available spectrum:
410nm UV
450~460 royal blue
460~470 blue
510~520 Green
630 660 RED
3000K /6000K/12000K White
I am very pleased with the color. As far as the daylight white leds. You don't want too many of them. What you really want is as many blues as possible. A 2.5:1 ratio or 3:1 of blue to white is what's best. I had them replace four white leds on each cluster and replaced them with Royal Blues 450nm. I now have only six white and fourteen blues leds and two UV. I added a green and red just for color but not really needed. They will custom make what ever spectrum you want with the available colors. I was surprised how white the lights are at 100% even with the changes I made. I do not recommend getting the standard layout. Too white and corals will not get enough blue which is necessary. Remember that you can control all four channels independently and get the spectrum you want.
Here is the standard layout and my custom one.
Hi, I wanted my flame angel to look red so I do want to get two reds in my mix but was wondering if the spotlighting went away when you switched optics?
I still have the red and greens. I also have a Flame angel the red LEDS due bring out his red big time and yes the spot light effect went away with the 80 degree optics.
I also think that just like a T.V.(and AI Hydra 52 & Radion xr30pro) red green LEDs have be near each other and a blue to make it white, so I have almost finalized this pattern for my 180G 60"x24"30"deep. keep in mind I will run it with my two DIY led lightbars with 20 royal blue,4 blue,10 cool white and 4 neutral white(most running at 4 watts) and or also my 2 54watt T5. Comments & suggestions Pz.
View attachment 255740
Ch1 6pc 12k white
Ch2 2pc red,1green,1blue,2royal blue
Ch3 4pc royal blue,2pc blue
Ch4 6pc U.V. (can always dim)
Note: looking for 14k to 15 k look which I computed this pattern to be 13900K with my 2 lightbars.
43/57% =11000k Blue/ white ratio
47/53% =12000k
50/50% =13000k
53/47% =14000k
57/43% =15000k
58/42% see tank @
Also I read that black heat sinks are much more effective than silver( looks awesome), any problems keeping LEDs cool (fans on constant)?
Partially Quoted Gilguy
I now have only six white and fourteen blues leds and two UV. I added a green and red just for color but not really needed.
Sorry got another question for you and could not edit last post.
Can you test my theory that 1 each blue , green and red make a whitish light by using that channel only and covering the 3 extra blues on that channel.
If it makes a white light then I do believe you have(14-1=) 13 blue to(6+3=)9
13:9 blue:white ratio or
59/41% = IMHO about a 15700k color. Very close color to
Can use the results to help with my color goal.
Hope I have not wore you out, but want to get my color mix right.
Gillguy great growth on those corals. I'm curious you mentioned you ordered red and green LEDs on your configuration. Do you still have the red and green in or did you changed them out?
Is it easy to change out the optics for the red LEDs. Did you also do the green?