Anyone have issues with their wired controller?
I put in basic program with no overlaps in sequences, and for some reason a couple channels turned themselves on overnight.
Just as I'm loving the S300 as does my corals on my 120, I'm going to do a new build with a 300DD. It's 72x36x27. What's the best Malibu config for this new build? 2 x S400s with 90deg? Perhaps 3 x S200s between the top braces...? Will 90deg be able to cover the 27in depth? I plan to have a canopy. Thanks!
I'm glad many of you are satisfied with the unit. I did my research and personally saw and had hands on many different led brands. Especially at macna. But the prices were ridiculous. I took a chance on this unit especially ordering it from China but it looked good based on the specs and CS was top notch. It's not the best unit out there and it's not prefect but there is nothing out there even close for the price. Now that many people have them i'm sure some modifications will be made to improve the unitAfter playing around with the controller, I finally figured out what Gillguy was saying. The changes are not a simple on/off. The values ramp up to the highest level set, then slowly ramp up or down to the next sequence... Pretty impressive for a bare bones controller.
Gillguy, I really appreciate all you've done helping so many of us with this new product!
After having the lights on for the weekend, I hear what others have said about the noisy fan on the PSU. I'll definitely be looking into a way to fix that. Might be something as simple as mounting a small muffin fan over the cooling slats and pushing air into the unit.
Anyhow, Here's my most recent schedule where I put in a couple place holders to keep it at my max value. And stop it from rampbying up in the morning...
I'm glad many of you are satisfied with the unit. I did my research and personally saw and had hands on many different led brands. Especially at macna. But the prices were ridiculous. I took a chance on this unit especially ordering it from China but it looked good based on the specs and CS was top notch. It's not the best unit out there and it's not prefect but there is nothing out there even close for the price. Now that many people have them i'm sure some modifications will be made to improve the unit
mine just came in... looks a solid unit. Still haven't play with it. I going blind looking for Gillguy's custom settings. I though I had it book mark
can you point me to it?
Like I thought, not much visible light but I bet in person those corals are glowing!
I'm glad many of you are satisfied with the unit. I did my research and personally saw and had hands on many different led brands. Especially at macna. But the prices were ridiculous. I took a chance on this unit especially ordering it from China but it looked good based on the specs and CS was top notch. It's not the best unit out there and it's not prefect but there is nothing out there even close for the price. Now that many people have them i'm sure some modifications will be made to improve the unit
I did the same thing yesterday, It's post # 356, here's a cut & paste from Gillguys post:
"Ok as far as my DIY settings, Channel #1 (all blue) and channel #3 (Blue & UV) turn on at 6:30 am and slowly ramp up to a maximum 75% by 11:30 am. Those two channels stay at 75% for five hours and start decreasing back to 0% by 8:00 pm. There are eight settings. (The settings are called Sequences.) Like I have mentioned before, all four channels must be programmed to have the first and the last settings at 0%. This is because if one of them is at any percentage the unit will continue to reach for that goal. However, the other six settings can be set at any time and percentage and the unit will increase by 1% until it reaches it. For example, here are the DIY settings for the two channels I mentioned above, 6:30 am 0%, 8:00 am 20%, 9:00 am 35%, 10:00 am 55%, 11:30 75%, 4:30 pm 75%, 6:30 pm 35%, 8:00 pm 0%.
Channel #2 (all white) turn on at 8:00 am and ramp up to 70% at 12:00 pm. It stays at 70% for four hours till 4:00 pm. Then it decreases to 0% by 7:00 pm. Channel #4 (four blue & one red & one green) turn on at 9:00 am and increases to a maximum of 45 % at 12:00 pm. It stays at 45% four hours till 4:00 pm and then decreases to 0% by 6:00 pm. The settings for these two channels are similar to the pattern of the first two.
I still use three T-5's. I am down to three hours total. They come on at 12:00 pm and turn off at 3:00 pm. It's more of a midday affect. If I could eventually ramp up the LEDS to 90% I believe I can remove the T-5's but the last time I increased to 80% on the first three channels my top corals became stressed out. I might have to slowly increase the channels by 1% per week for acclimation. When I got the unit I started at 40% and increased by 5% weekly till 75% and then 80% and that's when I noticed the lights were too powerful and backed off. Most of my corals are encrusted and can't be moved lower. Even if I could move them, I have no room for them. I might need to try different optics, 90 or 120 for the back rows because it's those LEDS that are closest to the SPS in the back and top of the tank. Hope that answers your question.
I will do another post today with a video showing the tank lights with my current DIY settings with and without T-5's and also the unit with and without T-5's at 100% on all channels."
I finally set up one S-200 on legs over half my tank. I'm very happy with the results. Being able to see the LED's and my trusty MH/T5 rig side by side has definitely sold me on the LED's. I spent a couple hours just playing with the DIY settings...
Next project is going to be permanently mounting the fixtures to the canopy. I'm not a fan of the cheap wire rope hanging hardware, so I'm looking for a more flexible mounting rig.
Has anyone tried a simple T-Track system?
T-Track, a couple stainless steel eye bolts with S hooks or caribiners attached to the fixture mounting bolt and you've got a easy way to adjust and safely rig the fixture.
I should add I fly concert size sound and lighting systems for a living, so I'm a bit over the top when it come to rigging anything...
I was looking for something like this, thanks for posting. Unfortunately is not available until 7/2014
Yeah, I noticed that when I went to order... they were in stock last week...
But there are a couple other brands out there that look pretty good.
Here's another option:
I've got 2 - S200's, that fit perfectly over the halves of my tank. So I don't need the lateral length. I'm going to cut them down into 18" strips so I can adjust the front to back position. Side to side can be done by moving the mounting lugs on the fixture.