Box O Crap Thread 2013

Anyone parting or not using the b-ionic calcium I would take it off your hands as I've been going through a lot of calcium lately
heh, when mine shows up it'll probably be laid out all over a razer tarantula, naga mouse with my eyefinity setup in the background ;-P

I'm such a nerd still
Girlfriend just sent me this picture. Can't wait to get out of work!

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heh, when mine shows up it'll probably be laid out all over a razer tarantula, naga mouse with my eyefinity setup in the background ;-P

I'm such a nerd still

Just picked this up today! lol what are you playing with all that hardware?

Lol, my mouse finally died earlier this year.... Forgot which one it was but it was one of the early Razer ones. Looking into Razer Mech keyboard or that corsair u have there he he.
I used to raid pretty hardcore in WoW, was in the US nephilim back when we were US first on 4 horseman and quite a few others. Quit in Wotlk, but I still play age of wushu periodically. I haven't been playing many mmo's lately, but there are quite a few sandboxes on the horizon that have unbelievably got my interest like EQNext and Archeage