Breaking down 65 gallon tank...

I have all the equipment detailed on the first page or two. I'd break up the tank and lights if I had buyers for both.
Whelp... almost done.
Engineer - Rogger
grouper - Cubano
3 lb rock with lots of green skirt zoos, $15
1 large cinnamon clown free to good home
Really nice color aquamarine colored chalice - $20
Hey Chris,
just a reminder if Rogger does not want the Engineer then shoot me a PM,as I'll give him a good home with my other Engineer.Take care,all the best Darcy
Rogger confirmed with me last night that he wants him and will pick him up Sun morning. Darcy, I still have that cinnamon polyp for you, and BONUS!!!! it's now growing a second polyp! The first polyp is completely healed and is eating well. Please shoot me you phone number so I can call you and see what time you'd like to pick it up Sunday.

The grouper's bite is healing, so it should be ready for Cubano Sunday.
Okeedokee... will be parting the tank out starting tomorrow.

Halides alone are $150. This includes 2 x 20000k XM 250w, pretty new, with magnetic ballasts, capacitors, all mounted in a long stanley toolbox as an enclosure, with a fan blowing across all. The fan is wired in, so it will come on with the lights. Also includes the spider reflectors, sockets, mounts, and all the wiring. The wiring is through 10 guage heavy duty extension cord for durability.

VHO's are actinic 03, 3 foot bulbs with waterproof endcaps, workhorse ballast (bulbs are 3 months old, ballast is under a year) Also wired up.

Skimmer, top fathom TF100A, with a rio 2100 (692 gph). I have a newish rio 3100 (900 gph). I'd switch with the 2100 no additional cost, but it overpowers the skimmer. $75 for skimmer and pump (I'll make sure it's cleaned out well before you get it.)

3 small powerheads, 1 of them is a mj 1200, (295 gph), the others are about the same size but don't know the brand or size... $5 each or 3 for $10.

1 powerhead, maxijet 900 (230 gph), $10, or powerhead 802 (400 gph), $15, both for $20
None of the powerheads have suction cups or mounts left, but some have nozzles.

Finally, the tank, stand, and canopy. Stand and canopy are light pine, the canopy was built up to elevate mh's off the water higher. There's a large computer fan installed in the top. The fuge goes with it. It has a custom fit piece of starboard in the bottom, but can be removed. I'll also throw in all my supplements, most are more than half a bottle left. All foods will go with it, also. I have lots of extras stored underneath, most of those are up for grabs to the purchaser of the tank. If it's local, I'll even bring it to your house. Not so local, let's talk about a small delivery charge. I'd like to get $150 for this tank.

5 gallon jerry jugs, the red plastic type, $2 apiece. I think I have 5. For $3 apiece, I'll fill em with RO for you, my TDS is reading at 1.

If you want anything above post it here first and drop me a pm. If you want more than 1 thing, I like to make package deals. The easier you make this on me, the more money I'll save you. Call me!
3 powerheads and maxijet 900 and tonga shrooms sold. to melvin.
3 lb rock with lots of green skirt zoos, $15
1 large cinnamon clown free to good home
Really nice color aquamarine colored chalice - $20
Rio 3100 pump (900 gph) pretty new $25.

250w Iwasaki 6500k bulb, ballast, and capacitor (no reflector or socket, but it's the same socket as a SE mh mogul), used about 1 year, still fires great, awesome for growth of corals, but yellowish light - $10
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so all i need for 6500 mh setup is to buy a mogul socket and reflector and i got a working setup?
yup... and maybe some wires and a plug.

By the way, I will be at the meeting, so if anyone wants to get any hardware from me, I can bring it to the meeting.
you got it.

By the way, it is not a mh setup, it is a mv. It works just like a mh, and even looks exactly like one, and uses the same socket and reflector, but you CANNOT use this ballast on a mh bulb.
metal halides AND vho's are gone... viaaqua 3300 pump gone

what's left?

Engineer goby,
cinnamon clown,
extra large green serpent star
chalice (blue-green)
2 lb rock with around 30-40 zoos, green skirt green mouth (NOT green people eaters!)

make offers

Also, 65 gallon tank, refugium, stand and canopy, skimmer still available.
5 gallon jugs available
5 gallon jug with plastic spigot for dosing kalk still available.
small cartridge type hang on back filter available
Well, all corals and fish are gone... thanks to the auction. Now I have an empty 65 gallon tall (3 feet wide) with a stand, and hood. $100. Can't beat that price. Plus, it comes with starboard for the bottom, lots of supplements (magnesium, iodine, kalkwasser, a few others, a test kit, a small hang on back filter (used to use for carbon or phosban), large net, magnetic cleaner, and whatever else I can find to throw in.

Lastly, the skimmer, a top fathom TF100A
$60 including the Rio 2100. Fantastic price.

Help me finish this project... LOL