Brian's 270 Starphire

FTS 4-18-10
Is yours a problem child Kenney? How big is he and does he actually eat algae? Bubble and GHA???


Dave, it's not a problem fish at all, just won't touch any of the BA. I got it when it was about 4" and it's now probably 5"+ in only a few months. It eats all the food that I feed the tank, including the nori, but I have never seen it even take a nibble of the abundant BA. Maybe it gave up when it saw how much there was :lmao:
Nice piece Brian, the color combination on the last two have been sweet. You're getting some pretty cool stuff in and all mini colonies too!
Nice pieces, Brian. Are they tank grown colonies or wild ones? Beautiful either way. I need stuff like that to fill up some gaps.
Nice piece Brian, the color combination on the last two have been sweet. You're getting some pretty cool stuff in and all mini colonies too!

I'd say so as well :eek1:

Thanks Dan and Mark!

Nice pieces, Brian. Are they tank grown colonies or wild ones? Beautiful either way. I need stuff like that to fill up some gaps.

Kenny, that a tank grown colony that he gave me. He had two colonies of it, that he's had for years.

That one came from an LFS call Coral Reef, back in the early 90's/ late 80's. The store was own by Mike King, who now works in America Samoa rebuilding reefs. He is the fonder of COARL ;).