Nice pick up Brian! :thumbsup:
How big, around 4"?
Very nice. I like those blue spotsThe yellow tails on some of these angels is really stunning.
I've never seen one of those before, I like the contrasting markings. Very nice nipper addition.
Wow, never seen one of those before. Nice pickup, Brian.
Nothing better on a warm summer day :thumbsup:
Not the rarest but she has great personality. Already eating out of my hands.
Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus in QT.
Damn Brian very unique looking piece...I like it!
Holy crap thats a cool looking coral, does it have a name?
Damn Brian very unique looking piece...I like it!
As my 4 year old would say, "Dery nice!" I gotta say, Acros are still the thing for me, even with all the different varieties of LPS out there. There is just something about colored sticks. I want them all. We should petition to rename Acropora to Igrowpoorer :lmao:
I love acros too, they just don't feel the love back to me. I'm ready to call it quits with them.