All I see is CA reactor media![]()
Part 2 Juvenile Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis. She smaller then a half dollar and just a bit bigger the a quarter.
She is gorgeous. I'd love to add one as well, but I think I might be looking for something else shortly (that is, of course, if I keep the tank)![]()
I love that yellow on her face, too bad they lose it as they grow to adulthood. Of course, they're still stunning as adults....
My original plan for the new tank was to try and be like Emilio C here on RC and pair up a trio of yellow tangs along with a duo of Powder Blues in my tank. Unfortunately since I am going pretty minimal on my rockwork I don't know if I would have enough places for that many big tangs to hide. I am now thinking of cutting that down to just the yellow tang trio and some sort of Angelfish.
Ok, I have had my fun DFS order part one.
A pair of Pterosynchiropus splendidus red variant. I order 5 of these to insure I received a pair. A few when to so good friends.
Nice sep, Brian. I really like them juvis.
Pretty slick. I ordered one of those last week as well, but just one. Ended up with a male.
that was one fat cat. those are some killer angels. that blueline is the star of the tank
Brian do you think your bigger sep will bother the juvi? The colors on the juvi are really cool.
Dan, not relly sure. I have an acclumation container that I plan to hold the juvi in once he's ready to go. That not going to happen for some time. Right now I'm more concerned with him getting enough food. I have been feeding him every hour as small fish like this go though alot of cal. I would guess that it going to be 6 months before he added....