Funny, I got a very similar box today. I bet yours contains something a lot cooler then a ton of snails and a trio of Carberryi Anthias.
Well there are not snails in this box...

Funny, I got a very similar box today. I bet yours contains something a lot cooler then a ton of snails and a trio of Carberryi Anthias.
I take it that means you also took advantage of the 50% off Carberryi deal?Well there are not snails in this box....
I take it that means you also took advantage of the 50% off Carberryi deal?
Bags with water.
Bags with water.
Ok, I have had my fun DFS order part one.
A pair of Pterosynchiropus splendidus red variant. I order 5 of these to insure I received a pair. A few when to so good friends.
Very cool Brian. So...what was in the big bag :hammer:
a :fish2:
How about a pic of this to keep your mind off things.
Thanks, but I already have one of those :lol:
Well if we're playing that game you'll win every time :mixed:.
Not so much anymore....