Great set of pictures...trying to keep up but it's hard while away. Keep up the postings! :thumbsup:
Thanks Dan! Enjoy your time away

Great set of pictures...trying to keep up but it's hard while away. Keep up the postings! :thumbsup:
I forgot that you had a Centropyge in your tank, for some reason I thought you wouldn't since you were such a big proponent of how much "safer" Chaetodontoplus were in reef tanks. I've always wanted a Potter's Angelfish but never wanted to take the coral risk.
Speaking of coral risks though, I think I might have seen my vermiculite angelfish nipping at a green pavona. If it gets real bad I'll just move the pavona though, I already love the fish.
Lookin Great Brian!
The tank gets fed two times a day, and it will get fed either two large pinches of Formula 2 Flakes and New Life Spectrum pellets or I will feed a frozen cube of cyclopeeze and another of Hikari Mysis. I might be overfeeding a tad, but I needed the daily cyclopeeze to get the new anthias to eat.
Is that the LITS? In any case it's looking good!
Is that the LITS? In any case it's looking good!
I just got done looking at my pathetic tank and then I have to come look at your awesome healthy looking pieces :sad1:
Sara happy Friday posted.
Came here to get my Happy Friday Fix! Nice sticks Brian!
Me likey that one Brian. Which one is it? I'm looking for some green and that might fit the bill.
Sara happy Friday posted.