Brian's 270 Starphire

...Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus (Still in QT)
Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis
Juvenile Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis (still in QT)
Centropyge multicolor
A true angel fan! The Bluespotted is a new pick up any pics of her yet Brian?
A true angel fan! The Bluespotted is a new pick up any pics of her yet Brian?

Dan, here's an older pic after i first got him 3 months ago. I still haven't added him to the tank but there are a few big changes that are going to happen soon to the tank, so it might be a few more months before he goes in

Not the rarest but she has great personality. Already eating out of my hands :).

Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus in QT.

What kind of big changes?

Yeah, what changes...spill the beans.

For one in the next few weeks I plan to fallow my tank for 8-10 weeks. I have been able to hold off the ich most of the time with UV, but have not rid the tank of it. So, fallowing my tank at this point might be the only answer. I really want to add a few more sensitive higher priced fish and haven't felt completely confident doing it with the small amount of ich I have.

This also will bring on a few more changes that might or might not happen. A few might include re-aquascaping my rock work. How much will depend on how much i have to move to get my pair of Synchiropus splendidus out. I also might add a little more sand, new bulbs and a few other things ;).
Brian...can you post a pic of your QT !!

Is it just a small bare bottom tank with a sponge filter or u have a large set-up ? I am just not able to keep ym fishes in the QT for a long time, was just wondering !!!
If it helps I have heard that due to their skin/mucus type mandarin's are naturally resistant to ich. You probably wouldn't want to take just my word for it, but some research might show whether or not I heard right. Of course, this is a pretty drastic step and you might not want to just go halfway.

Hope this helps, and keep us updated!
If it helps I have heard that due to their skin/mucus type mandarin's are naturally resistant to ich. You probably wouldn't want to take just my word for it, but some research might show whether or not I heard right. Of course, this is a pretty drastic step and you might not want to just go halfway.

Hope this helps, and keep us updated!

Alex, there is a big mis-understanding about fish like mandarins and wrasses. There mucus coat will not allow ich to attach to their skin, yes this is true for the most part. One thing that is over looked is that ich will attach to the gills of fish. I would bet that 99.9% of the time when you read "how did I get ich when none of my fish had any signs of it" is due to not QTing there fish and the "healthy" fish was holding ich in it gills.

There will be plenty of update as the process goes along :).
Brian...can you post a pic of your QT !!

Is it just a small bare bottom tank with a sponge filter or u have a large set-up ? I am just not able to keep ym fishes in the QT for a long time, was just wondering !!!

Here you go. It a simple setup with a HOB filter with a season sponge, that a keep in between the baffles in my sump to season. A heater, small powerhead, strip light, Seachem Ammonia Alert badge, a few flower pot for the fish to hind in, and a thermometer. This QT stay running all the time. Most of the issues people have with QT's is ammonia. Running it all the time prevents this. A good season sponge will do the same. I always have a few in the sump is needed.

For one in the next few weeks I plan to fallow my tank for 8-10 weeks. I have been able to hold off the ich most of the time with UV, but have not rid the tank of it. So, fallowing my tank at this point might be the only answer. I really want to add a few more sensitive higher priced fish and haven't felt completely confident doing it with the small amount of ich I have.

This also will bring on a few more changes that might or might not happen. A few might include re-aquascaping my rock work. How much will depend on how much i have to move to get my pair of Synchiropus splendidus out. I also might add a little more sand, new bulbs and a few other things ;).
Wow Brian some big changes coming looking forward to following your progress. I really like the "I really want to add a few more sensitive higher priced fish" part :bum: Good luck!
Wow Brian some big changes coming looking forward to following your progress. I really like the "I really want to add a few more sensitive higher priced fish" part :bum: Good luck!

I'm hope this works, but time will tell. Either way it will be one way to down my PO4's down. As for the fish..... stay tuned :).
Fallowing Part I

Fallowing Part I

Getting thing ready to fallow the tank.

Two 55 gal QT tank setup. Just need the heater and they should be in on Monday.


Here is the fish trap that i will use to catch the fish. I've used it a number of time and it has worked well. A little fish line attacked to the door so I can sit and watch football and still put the door shut :D.


... and a test run. Their all fighting to get in :).


