Brian's 270 Starphire

Hey Brian, how's the tank doing without fishes? When are they scheduled to return? Everything going OK in their temporary homes?
The tank is doing great. I replaced all three Raduims and with out the fish the corals have been taking off. All the fish should go back on Dec 9th. I'm 49 day in and I plan to go 70 days of fallow. Unfortunately I lost a few of my wrasses. Three flames and my mystery, all my treatments are done so I hope there are no more lost in the future.

I like it.:thumbsup:
The tank is doing great. I replaced all three Raduims and with out the fish the corals have been taking off. All the fish should go back on Dec 9th. I'm 49 day in and I plan to go 70 days of fallow. Unfortunately I lost a few of my wrasses. Three flames and my mystery, all my treatments are done so I hope there are no more lost in the future.

Sorry to hear about the losses but having an ick free tank...priceless.
Good stuff Brian. The tank looks good. Do you want me to edit the photo to get some more light into it :p
Grow corals grow without the nippers!!! Tank and corals are looking great Brian!

Thanks Sara, I think it might have something to do with all new bulbs ;).

Getting the buffet ready!!! :lol:

It getting there. Have a few new nipper to add this time around.

Now see, that's the kind of comments from you nipper owners that keeps me on the porch :fun5:

Corals grow faster after being fraged. With nipper there no need to get your hands wet :D.
Maybe some fill light, exposure and less black/contrast (if you used those). I'll give it a go when I get home tonight if you want to email the original ;)