Bryopsis possible solution

Looks like my tank is turning a bit cloudy from all the die off of this stuff, i might be turning the skimmer back on if that's the case today, and keep monitoring it from there, but if djbon is correct, turning on my skimmer won't make a difference in the meds working.
Looks like my tank is turning a bit cloudy from all the die off of this stuff, i might be turning the skimmer back on if that's the case today, and keep monitoring it from there, but if djbon is correct, turning on my skimmer won't make a difference in the meds working.

Filter sock?
I do have some but my sump is so cramped it's near impossible to get them on without removing the skimmer, which i would have to halfway dismantle to get it out. I never use them anymore, but the skimmer will let us know if we can actually run one and skim with it and the meds not be affected, at least not after a few days.

Edit: i should add, all the bryopsis is white, there's a bit of hair algae around some of it which i expected, but i don't see it making a comeback, it's just slowly dying back. Skimmer is being turned on today, i will turn gfo back on after 12 days and run some carbon.
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Really interesting thread Currently battling Bryopsis right now. If the Tech M doesn't work I think I'll try this. Anyone getting cloudy water while trying to kill bryopsis?

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Interesting as I'm battling as well with a second wave of Tech M (think it's gained a resistance after the first try).

How do you get the medication out of the system after the 2 week treatment? Just the water changes?
If you don't like algae of any kind and have a fish only tank, just keep the tank lightless. I have one tank in a designated room where it only gets the lights from the overhead light and the light from a small macro algae tank on the other side when I'm not in there. I never have a spec of algae in that tank. Absolutely nothing. Won't help a reef tank but in those I use sea hares, tangs, and turbo snails. Between the three, things stay pretty spotless.
Tech M doesn't work anymore, I've used it in the past but they changed the formula so that it could be sold oversea's someplace after the new ownership came in. Didn't work for me the last three times i used it. Carbon would take the fluconazol out of the system, or should, but i'm pretty sure it will break down on it's own or be taken out slowly with water changes.
Tech M doesn't work anymore, I've used it in the past but they changed the formula so that it could be sold oversea's someplace after the new ownership came in. Didn't work for me the last three times i used it. Carbon would take the fluconazol out of the system, or should, but i'm pretty sure it will break down on it's own or be taken out slowly with water changes.

News to me....Thanks.

Carbon would take the fluconazol out of the system, or should, but i'm pretty sure it will break down on it's own or be taken out slowly with water changes.

I did not changed anything during treatment. Lighting schedule, intensity, dosing etc remains and all bryopsis are gone. GAC still in my sump, the medicine works.

^That's why I was questioning..
i figured thats why, but i don't think any of us knows how this medication works in water. Does it just work it's way into they bryopsis on the first day and is gone from the system after that and it's just the one fatal dose for it? Does it linger in the tank? Will the skimmer or lights really effect it? Going by djbon, it seems like nothing really affects the meds, just drop them in and they do their thing, but i have no idea on how long the meds actually last in the water. Hopefully someone does, maybe one of the chemists on here can chime in.
Just an update that there is still no sign of Bryopsis for me since completing the treatment at the start of November. I will keep updating as the real success will be if it never returns.
Just an update that there is still no sign of Bryopsis for me since completing the treatment at the start of November. I will keep updating as the real success will be if it never returns.

Thanks for doing this. My Bryopsis disappeared after the 3 treatments with Kent, but I am on guard and expecting it to come back any time. This thread is very helpful.
Bryopsis possible solution

Kent didn't do anything for me. I went through 6 gallons kind of wasted a lot of money before I threw in towel and restarted my tank.

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I started half a day before art, and my little patches of it look just like his. almost completely white now.

super excited to see this crap die finally after months.

keep us updated if your skimmer changes anything art, im tempted to throw my cup back on too. right now i just use it for oxygen.
Skimmer hasn't effected the bryopsis dying at all, lights aren't on yet but i looked in with a flashlight, it's really thinning out now. I have some hair algae coming in with the additional nutrients, the skimmer should help with that, I'm also going to start running gfo soon possibly. i'll get a pic with the lights on, but i'm going to go ahead and call this a win at this point, i'll keep taking pics though until it's all gone. I've also turned my actinic bulbs back on as of yesterday.
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The biggest change you can notice is if you compare the first and last photos of my tank, look at the rock on the left. You can't see the rock in the first pic, now it's mostly showing through.
+1, bryopsis on my return pipe is almost all but gone. and my big patch is thinned out 50% sucky is I'm getting alot of cyano today. if it gets worse tomorrow I might have to put the skimmer back online aswell. i don't want stuff to get too far out of whack. i have alot of sps.