I never even thought to measure... I wonder if the other is just some filler to keep them from looking empty though?
I dosed tonight. 650mg of active ingredient fluconazole into 34gal of water. (Each 200mg capsule actually contained 380mg of powder)
I am curious about the uv exposure thing. Anything I run across specifies UV-254 and UV-210 as the degrading UV. You say to turn off leds but I have serious doubts that any aquarium led fixtures have any real UV in them. The lowest my fixture has are 420nm, 450nm, and 460nm. Not sure we need to be turning off our fixtures or am I missing something? I guess is you have anything under 400nm it may be wise but even so... 400nm is a far cry from 254 and 210.
put the wrong pic up first by mistake, corrected that
24 hours in. I have not turned my LEDs off but I did turn off the GFO, carbon, and skimmer.
Here is our little bryopsis friend. It isn't happy!
And a close up of the bottom right.
Great close up shot! That must be a hell of a camera.
I've been following this thread and I have some Bryopsis in my tank, but nothing like what you have got. My 1 or 2 spots of it you guys probably wouldnt even notice. I find it very interesting what this stuff does. It looks like it works well. Im just worried that if I put it in my tank to clear up the water then my tank will be dependent on it. Thoughts about that?